
A Message from The Editors

ecn team Feb 09, 2023

Welcome! Thank you for reading the Effective Cannabis Newsletter. Cannabis Coaches and Educators created this newsletter to inform you about how Cannabis works in the body. Each newsletter is carefully curated and has a specific theme that changes every month. For example, next month, in March 2023, we will explore Cannabis for healthy brains.

Finding content for this month was a more significant challenge than the chronic pain issue. If you are looking for information on healthy lungs and Cannabis, you have probably encountered more articles warning you off of inhalation. In this issue, the anecdotal evidence shared in powerful stories may make you think about Cannabis and healthy lungs differently. From MAC lung disease to asthma to stage IV lung cancer, there are powerful stories to be told and much to consider.

If you don't like the idea of smoking, vaporizing is something that may still be worth considering. Many non-smokers vaporize Cannabis. If you don't want to inhale, tinctures and edibles are always an option to consider. But for some, the ease and accessibility of a more instant onset and better control over dosing have the most appeal.

The key to success with medical Cannabis is knowing how to address health and wellness challenges effectively. This journey begins with getting educated so you can speak to your doctor and lawmakers about Cannabis.

We work hard to bring accurate, vetted, timely information to the public. This newsletter is not medical advice but can help you understand how to communicate your health goals.

The content in this newsletter is by certified Cannabis Coaches, Educators, or Medical Professionals (and the occasional well written piece by a journalist). Most of them have also had their own experience with medical Cannabis. One of the fastest ways to progress with a medical Cannabis approach is to work with a professional who can support you in identifying your ideal consumption method and dosing. They will also educate you about how Cannabis works in your body and help you look at all the factors you should consider with a medical Cannabis approach.



About Jay Jay O'Brien:

Jay Jay has always had Cannabis in her life, but she didn't always have cancer.

In Nov 2019, at 43, her life changed in an instant when she was offered a diagnosis of Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).

Refusing to accept it, she ignored the statistics and the misconceptions that this was a death sentence.

Instead, her herbalist roots propelled her into a labyrinth of rabbit holes searching for the ways she could heal her body.

In her search, she discovered that the plant she had a relationship with her whole life could potentially be exactly what she needed to help her heal!

She didn't expect that while she took heroic doses of highly concentrated Cannabis oil attempting to heal the cancer, that her mind, body and spirit would begin to heal on a whole other level!

Her ability to break free from her addictions to cigarettes and alcohol because of her Cannabis use and the deep spiritual connection it forged within her, encourages her healing further while giving her all the time in the world to seek out the life she was always supposed to be living!

Jay Jay's website:

Don't miss her educational series launching later this year called High Hopes for Healing and join her community called The Canecdotal Collective!

Please visit our Cannabis Coaches and Educators directory to work with a Cannabis industry professional.


If you ever have questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach us at [email protected].


If you are not already a subscriber, please use the form at the bottom of this page to subscribe and get our newsletter in your inbox once a month (double opt-in required).

With Gratitude,



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