
Cannabis Helped Me See I Am Not Meant to Suffer

harm reduction migraines pain ptsd testimonial May 04, 2023
image of a man looking at the light at the end of the tunnel

Submitted by William B. from South Philadelphia, PA


I'm 45 years old. Born in Atlantic City, NJ, and raised in South Philadelphia, PA. I've been dealing with chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD my whole life. I am also a recovering addict.


The challenges I face on the daily are

Pain and PTSD. As a result, any number of things can happen...procrastination, hypervigilance, detachment, avoidance, poor decision-making, fear, loathing, terror, etc. 


I was on all sorts of pharmaceuticals for migraines

Over the years, Doctors have written well over three dozen different prescriptions for various psychotropic, pain, and psychiatric medications. I have narrowed it down to two pharmaceuticals; one, as needed for migraine abortion, and the other, an injectable, once-a-month self-administered shot. 

I utilize Cannabis as an adjunct and maintenance. Prior to my Cannabis consumption, I used to take the migraine abortive medication just about every other day, which increased the risk for adverse side effects of that medication, which includes heart attack and stroke at the top of the list. 


I was on a slew of psychotropic/psychiatric medications for all the flags that fall under PTSD

This included but was not limited to, social anxiety disorder, ADHD, major depressive disorder, suicidal tendencies, suicide attempts, self-harm, and antisocial personality disorder.

As far as chronic pain, there were pharmaceuticals (opiate/non-opiate), PT, and cervical epidurals. There was also a great insistence on surgery, should I not want to be crippled. I did not know what else to do but knew there had to be something. 

During a large portion of this time (a decade+), I resorted to self-medicating, which ultimately awoke a beast that I had feared was within (due to predisposition) lying dormant, waiting for the moment to take hold.


This relationship started a downward spiral that I am lucky to have survived

I knew there was another way; there had to be. So, after years of recovery in a 12-step fellowship and coming to the end of my rope with the doctors pushing drugs and surgery (I always refused the drugs; brainwashed enough to know that drugs were not the solution, and I soon found that the epidurals also ended up causing more harm than help) I found Cannabis, AGAIN, with a healthier mind. 


I learned from the legacy market and self-study in the beginning

I searched high and low for the how and why of Cannabis. What I found was a treasure trove of possibilities. 

I utilized Google to gather research, which in turn led me to collect data, which led me to a course of action I believed would work for me. That course of action required me to dive deep into the science and seek out mentorship in education. 

Through my perseverance, persistence, determination, and trial and error, I gathered the evidence that brought my belief from something imagined to a reality. Now, I continue my education with pleasure since it has opened doors not only for me but others who I share this education with.


I utilize Cannabis freely, in the open, and I'm not usually deterred by opposition since this is my medicine

With that said, I have been on the receiving end of a misinformed society and faulty legal structure many times in my home state. 

I have experienced stigma and bias in a court of law regarding child custody matters (even being a medical card holder); I've also had some trials in dealing with out-of-state authorities and surrounding jurisdictions, during traffic stops, and even applying for housing assistance.

I utilize multiple routes of administration daily

Combustion tops the list, mostly joints (multiple cannabinoid formulas). Then would be oral consumption/ sublingual - tincture, and oil infusions, with edibles following in third, in cookie form mostly or blended into any dish I may have. I formulate all my own recipes. 


In the morning, I start with a small amount (about 1 tbsp) of infused raw sugar

I mix it with 2 ml of a CBDa/CBGa/THCa tincture (my formulation), then add it to my cup of coffee. I do that most mornings utilized supplementally. My day is then based on how I feel, which will help me choose the correct consumption method. 


Before incorporating Cannabis, I thought I was just meant to suffer

I felt I had to take drugs from the doctor or the street, have surgeries, or white knuckle the pain. After incorporating Cannabis therapeutically, I realized there was a lot to me that I did not know (which was scary and exciting all at once) and that there was a way to live a better quality of life. 

I was no longer satisfied with just surviving. I was not built to suffer. I have a life worth living. I found strength through Cannabis.


The Endocannabinoid System regulates the balance of internal function

I learned this system could be deficient, possibly from birth, which would indicate that I'm not a lost cause and can get better. 

Cannabis afforded me the ability to reflect, the ability to hit the pause button. Cannabis allows me to be more compassionate, not only to others but more importantly, to myself. Cannabis helps me to move out of terror, and into joy; out of fear and into understanding of the reality that stands before me. This allows me to rationally understand that the light at the end of the tunnel is not always destined to be a train.

Every day I am moving closer to that goal, with Cannabis as my Medicine. 

This is William's personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.

To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. He is listed as WbC Therapeutics. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.

If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.


Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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