Carrying Hope: A Message for Those Fighting Brain and Aggressive Cancers
Mar 11, 2023
By Jay Jay O’Brien - Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator
My spouse lost a friend to a Glioblastoma multiforme about 2 years ago. Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most common, aggressive, and deadly forms of brain cancer.
They were committed to the treatment and to the prognosis offered by their doctors. 6-18 months was what was offered. At that point, all other options were discarded and acceptance of this fate ensued and transpired accordingly.
I received my own cancer diagnosis, Stage 4 NSCLC (non-small cell lung cancer), several months after my spouse’s friend received theirs. The difference in our circumstances, besides the origin of the cancer, was that, even though I had a similar prognosis, I refused to accept that as my fate. I was not willing to accept death as my only outcome.
Discovering The Healing Power of Cannabis
I knew that the cancer I experienced was of my own doing. I knew that my actions/inactions brought about my dis-ease and because of that, I knew I could heal it. And heal it I did. While discovering what nature could offer to help me on my survival mission, I discovered that a plant I’ve had a relationship with my whole life, Cannabis, was just what I needed to help me accomplish my errand. After my very first dose changed everything, I had to share what I learned with anyone who would listen. The only issue was, NO one would listen.
Sharing is Caring
My spouse messaged his friend and explained what I had been learning. We were so excited to share, which made it all the more disappointing when it was discarded as deleterious and dumb. They didn’t want to hear what we had to say. They had already made the decision to die. They trusted their doctors. Dying was the only option. But, what if it wasn’t??
I didn’t have the knowledge at the time, but it was out there for me to gain. With that knowledge, I might have been better able to articulate alternative options, and my spouse would still have their friend. I can’t change the past, but I can help someone from succumbing to the same fate in the future.
What I’m writing here today is a compendium of all the things I wished I had said to my spouse’s friend with the brain tumor.
Cannabis Has Been Shown To Induce Apoptosis
Since 1975, there have been studies showing compounds from Cannabis have an anti-cancer effect. This very recent study from January 2023 showed that “the antiproliferative effect of THC described in the present report might provide the basis for a new therapeutic application of cannabinoids, especially since primary astrocytes and neurons are resistant to the apoptotic action of THC.”
Apoptosis is a controlled process where a series of molecular steps leads to the elimination of unwanted cells in the body, i.e. cancer cells. It’s a benefit to the occurrence and to the prevention of cancer as it’s the body's design for targeting cancerous and pre-cancerous cells for deletion.
CB1 and CB2 receptors are abundant throughout the brain and body. They are also found on the surface of all cancerous tumors which suggests that Cannabis would be a likely consideration in the treatment of cancer. This study published on showed that when it comes to glioblastoma, both “CBD and THC in combination resulted in significantly reduced viability of GBM cell lines.” These studies still show promise regardless of the fact that they were both conducted using synthetic versions of these Cannabinoids.
Most of the studies involving Cannabis have been done using synthetic Cannabis. This is commonplace, but not ideal, as isolated, synthesized Cannabinoids don’t offer the benefit of the “entourage effect” put forth by Dr. Ethan Russo. Seeing these results with synthetic interventions excites me to the prospect of what whole plant medicine could do.
Cannabis Can Be Supportive Through Chemotherapy
My spouse’s friend suffered a lot through their treatment. From nausea to brain fog, hair loss, depression, and anxiety, the daily grind to fight their predicted losing battle might not have been so daunting had Cannabis been considered. This study showed that “cannabinoids have not only shown to possess properties that may help minimize the polypharmacy effect that chemotherapeutic agents entail but to be a potential co-adjuvant to these therapies.”
Plainly, that means that Cannabis helps to reduce the side effects associated with cytotoxic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation and that Cannabis can actually help improve the efficacy of these treatments, improving outcomes.
That year-and-a-half prognosis they were so committed to, could have possibly been stretched by a year or more which would have given them yet another Christmas to celebrate, their favourite season.
One of the reasons glioblastoma is so deadly is because of its resistance to chemotherapy. This study showed that “The combination of CBD with alkylating agents, by increasing drug uptake and cytotoxic activity, allows to maintain high antineoplastic effects but at lower chemotherapeutic doses, thus reducing drug side effects.” This shows that not only can Cannabis support the efficacy of chemotherapy treatment, but its use can also help to reduce the side effects caused by its use as well.
Cannabis Is Neuroprotective
In the last 6 months of their life, my spouse’s friend became a different person as the tumor slowly impeded parts of their memory and cognition. For 6 months, their spouse had to sit idly by while the person they loved mentally slipped away before they physically passed away. Cannabis’ neuroprotective capabilities could have given them more time to be together. Time for more conversations, more walks down memory lane, and more Christmases.
I wished I had known the supportive effects of Cannabis on the brain. Had I previously read this study highlighting the neurological benefits of phytocannabinoids, I would have been able to reiterate that “Cannabinoids are neuroprotective against excitotoxicity in vitro and in patients with acute brain damage.” They may have witnessed the protective effects. There were so many ways that Cannabis could have assisted them on their cancer journey.
This review looks at the various ways Cannabis has been studied to assist the brain. Whether undergoing or suffering from previous trauma, Cannabis offers protection, comfort, healing, and compassion to the suffering synapses we experience through cancer and cancer treatment.
You Don’t Have to Get ‘High’ to Utilize Cannabis Medicine
I understood that there was hesitation on their part to use the medicine due to their lack of experience with and their ideals toward Cannabis. The “war on drugs” left behind a stigma that is still going to take some time to overcome. Sadly, it didn’t come in time to open their eyes to the possibility that Cannabis could have been a tremendous help to provide medicine, without the medicated or ‘high’ type feeling.
THC can be intense and very intimidating to a lot of people, predominantly to those who have little experience with it. That lack of experience deters many from what could be a great, potentially healing, and less offensive medicine. Many don’t understand how the medicine works, which is understandable, being that the plants' thousands of years of use were slandered and libelled because of greed and racism. Due to this, a lot of people were “dis”informed about Cannabis.
If you’ve ever had an uncomfortable experience with Cannabis, it may be hard for you to believe that you can use THC and actually not feel ‘high’. Even incredibly high doses of THC. I know it sounds unlikely, but it’s possible. On my Cannabis protocol to treat cancer, I’ve been taking 2 capsules, almost 2 grams/1500 mg of THC-rich Cannabis oil daily and doing so; I don’t feel any different than if I had taken 2 dandelion or burdock capsules. It took me a while to work up to that point, primarily because I was working alone and had no idea what I was doing at the time, which is why I became and always suggest working with a Cannabis Health Coach.
You Wouldn’t Be The First. Many People Have Used It With Success
The stories are everywhere. Spontaneous remission, miraculous healing, and confirmed cures fill the comments sections of Facebook forums and chat threads and fill the pages of inspirational books. Maybe I’ll write one, one day.
It sounded like such a novel idea. It was completely new to me, but there were others who were up on the information before I was. Some came to it because they had been cast aside by modern medicine, being told there was “nothing more that could be done” or to “go home and get your affairs in order.” Others because they were looking for a less barbaric, alternative treatment to the ‘standard of care’ treatments presently available and some just because they wanted to throw everything ‘and’ the kitchen sink at their dis-ease. Episodes #107 and #217 of the Cannabis Health Radio Podcast would have provided some valuable inspiration to know that they were not alone.
Finally, there is one final message that I wish I had shared before, so I will now in the hopes that it could potentially open someone else’s mind up to the idea that...
Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence
Human beings don’t come with expiry dates. The time for you to vacate your earthly vessel is between you and your maker. No piece of paper or doctor's words can change that. Cancer is a wake-up call. Cancer is your body’s way of telling you that the way you’ve been living your life is not conducive to good health. It is your body out of balance.
Cannabis, and the system in our body designed to interact with it, the Endocannabinoid system, play a huge role in maintaining our body's state of balance. When our internal system cannot keep up with the level of Cannabinoids we require to maintain that balance, then it is in our best interest to supplement with plant Cannabinoids. You can bet your brain cells that once balance is restored, so is your health. It can be done. It has been done.
As Long as There is Breath, There is Hope
If you’d like to learn more about how Cannabis Oil can be used for cancer, join me at the Canecdotal Collective (CC). The CC is a safe, vetted, collaborative community of Cannabis coaches, educators, patients, and practitioners sharing information and insights on using Cannabis for Cancer. Sign up for updates here.
Our next meeting of the Canecdotal Collective will be hosted Monday, March 20 @ 630 pm est. I will be speaking on the subject of the Rick Simpson Oil Protocol for Cancer.
About Jay Jay O’Brien:
Jay Jay is the founder and creator of naturalisticallynow and the Canecdotal Collective, where she educates and assists people with cancer, implementing Cannabis into their protocols. As a stage 4 lung cancer survivor and caregiver to her type 1 diabetic son, Jay Jay has learned that you truly do "get what you give", and with Cannabis, she believes we have the opportunity to give our bodies the opportunity to truly heal rather than just masking our symptoms. Through her own experience of healing, she has now made it her mission to share the capabilities of Cannabis with all who will listen.
Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.
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