
Ayurvedic Self-Care for Mental Health

ptsd self-care tolerance break May 04, 2023


Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Kyona, a Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, Auriculotherapy Practitioner, Entheogenic Support Guide, and Cannabis Educator


Join Kyona and Michelle as they delve into the world of Ayurvedic practices for mental health. In this video, Kyona explains what Ayurveda means and why it's essential to create balance in your life. You'll learn about unique techniques like ear seeds, tongue scraping, and pelvic steaming that can aid in self-care.

Michelle and Kyona discuss how important it is for those in caring professions to show up for themselves first. Kyona helps clients build sustainable self-care routines starting with awareness of their surroundings. She incorporates micro dosing Cannabis as well as her other health routines.

So take some time for yourself, relax, and let's learn together about the benefits of Ayurvedic practices.

Kyona was the guest editor of the EC Newsletter this month. Learn more about Kyona at:


About Michelle Diston:

Michelle Diston has always believed that you can heal yourself naturally. Through years of her own personal research and determination, she learned how to manage Candida with Cannabis and nutrition. She was able to wean completely off 20 years of antidepressants and overcome the underlying traumas that were hiding behind the meds with intentional and targeted Cannabis use. Her journey has inspired her passion to help others. She has become a Certified Cannabis Health Coach and Educator and is one of the founding members of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter.

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