
Cannabis Complimented My Healing Journey Through Breast Cancer

cancer cbd neuropathy pain ptsd stigma testimonial thc topicals Jun 06, 2023
Steph Massey and a quote from her story over the image of a field of cannabis at sunset

Submitted by Stephie M. from Southern Ontario, Canada


I am 48 years old. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I have been treating the side effects of cancer treatment as well as the AFTER effects of cancer treatment with cannabis. 


I have been consuming Cannabis medicine for the past six years

Over the last two years, I have pivoted my canna-clinical protocol and I am actively preventing cancer re-occurrence with cannabis and other plant medicine. Cannabis has also helped me treat PTSD, pain, and burnout. I am 6.5 years out from diagnosis and I am still cancer free!


My biggest challenges during treatment were pain, neuropathy and PTSD

I was diagnosed exactly five years after my Mom. I was her caregiver while she went through it all. So, I knew exactly what I was in for. That is a blessing and a curse tied up with a pretty pink bow. Hence, the PTSD.

Chemo did some severe damage to my nerve endings. Topicals have been a game-changer for me! The neuropathic pain meant walking hurt and I was constantly dropping things, as my hands just couldn’t feel what I was holding. As I added a variety of Cannabis to my healing, slowly, everything improved.

I am still treating pain, neuropathy and PTSD with Cannabis as my first line of treatment. So far so good!


Before cancer (bc), I had never tried Cannabis

It wasn’t really on my radar. Until it was. After my partial mastectomy, while I was in recovery and throughout the night in the hospital, I realized that pain meds do not work for me.


I am not going to lie. It was a messy night

I took the night breath by breath, moment by moment, breathing through the pain. The medical team did not know what to do for me.


My pain was completely untreated after surgery. Untreated for my whole life.

I had no idea I could get this kind of pain relief. Now, I have no medical explanation for why this happens to me, but I feel no relief at all with opioids including fentanyl or morphine by drip or orally. People around me can attest to this. It’s baffling. My doctors tried it all.


Cannabis connected so many dots for me

It actually touched, treated and prevented my pain. It still does. Once I got the hang of treating my pain with plants, I embarked on a journey to heal my relationship with pain. Cannabis has healed me in many ways. I bow in reverence for this sacred plant medicine.


I was alone on my journey with Cannabis as medicine

That is until I met my “Breastie” Stacy Bobak @cannadent. We are both so passionate about this healing medicine that we decided to make it our livelihood. We are both Cannabis Educators, entrepreneurs and Podcasters ++ I was lucky to have an amazing Oncologist who supports me on my journey with Cannabis medicine.


Not everyone has that kind of support

Once Stacy and I started sharing our stories, we knew that we were helping others. Having Stacy by my side has been a wonderful blessing. Together, we started a non-profit organization called EduCanNation, which is focused on cannabis education across Canada.

Together we also have created a Podcast called A Tincture of Time Podcast. This podcast focuses on Cannabis 101 education and we weave our stories, experiences and knowledge throughout the season. We are grateful to share our stories of hope and resilience thanks to the benefits of cannabinoid medicine.


The stigma surrounding Cannabis is still everywhere

Yes, we are a legal country in Canada. But the war on drugs was deeply ingrained into the entire world's psyche. Putting the world into a container of GOOD (say no to drugs) and BAD (unmotivated dropout “stoner”). We see now that this movement was extremely harmful to our people and planet. Undoing the mess may take my lifetime or more.

My personal experience with stigma has been pretty good. It helps to be in a legal country. It helps that I am a woman who survived cancer.


I have witnessed a lack of education and training in healthcare in Canada

Often the clients I see are too afraid to tell their doctor they are consuming Cannabis for medicine or recreation. Some people are afraid that their kids, parents, co-workers or neighbours will find out and they will be judged harshly.

Others have been dehumanized by their primary care doctor or surgeon, just by being truthful on the intake forms. I continue to teach that plants can be a real option for treating many things. I find education to be the answer to stigma.


My current routine includes 40-50mg of CBD twice per day

This is a therapeutic dose, and the intention for this dose is to treat anxiety, pain and as a prevention to keep cancer at bay. Keep in mind I have changed my dosing over the years as my conditions have changed.

I inhale high THC as needed. Sometimes it is for pain, other times for PTSD. I find inhalation the best method for me as I get immediate relief. I make my own topicals, which I lather on my feet every night before bed. I also make homemade chocolates that are full of cannabinoids and herbs and spices that help with sleep.


Before Cannabis I needed 4000 mg of Tylenol daily to touch the pain

As opiates did not touch the pain. Weird right?!?! I was hopeless, thinking I can’t do this for the rest of my life. My oncologist was concerned and I suggested Cannabis. She agreed.

Once incorporating Cannabis, I slowly removed all pharmaceuticals except one. I have been treating pain and PTSD very successfully. Cannabis gives me a quality of life.


Now I am more patient, I can slow down with more ease

I am more open to difficult emotions and feelings. I can communicate with more ease and also give my “thoughts'' a break.

I can be in the present moment and also treat my pain. This plant is sacred. It has the ability to connect you to nature, to beauty, to love and to pain relief.


This is Stephie’s personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.

To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.

 If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary. 



Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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