
Cannabis for Caregivers: Empowering Self-Care and Wellness in Senior Life

anxiety cannabinoids caregiver ecs stress Jul 07, 2023
Senior pushing another senior in a wheelchair with a loving touch in the park

By J'Ne Clapper Certified Medical Cannabis Wellness Advisor


Our Senior issue is geared towards… you guessed it… seniors! This stage of life most likely also involves increasingly more involvement from a close relative or friend for additional needs. The CDC (1) estimates 24.4% of adults aged 45 to 64 years are caregivers, and 18.8% of adults aged 65 years and older. So many seniors even fall into the realm of caregiving, whether as the recipient or receiver of care.


The Emotional Journey of Caregiving: Loss, Grief, and Guilt

Caregivers go through a plethora of changing emotions as they navigate the tricky waters of caregiving. Even after the honorable duties have been fulfilled, the sudden change of occupation just compounds the devastating loss and grief that is attached to it. Then there is the guilt attached to the relief that caregivers may feel once their loved one passes or is no longer in their personal care. The amount of stress constantly experienced as caregivers can potentially produce a trauma-like effect on the mind and body if one is not properly caring for oneself. The suggested guidelines for self-care for caregivers seem basic and obvious, yet when in the crunch and possibly running on constant “survival mode”, the last thing one may feel is the need to relax and take care of personal needs.


Cannabis as a Potential Solution for Caregivers' Stress and Health Issues

So what can a caregiver do to increase their motivation to care for their needs, whilst receiving much-needed relief from the anxiety and depression, the sleepless nights from worrying about the next step or what calls need to be made the next day, or the loss of appetite from the body constantly being in fight/ flight mode, or relief from the chronic pain or illnesses that could develop from the unrelenting stress? This is where an intentional dose regimen of Cannabis can come into play.


Understanding the Effects of Cannabinoids on the Body and Mind

Cannabinoids in the plant have varying effects in the body, depending on the needs of the individual’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) (2) and the ECS tone (3). Interestingly, even as the ECS tone continues to shift from the waves of change, the cannabinoids will know what to do within the body. Imagine taking a tincture, right before bed. Your joints are achy from the constant movement and heavy lifting through the day. Although your body is wiped, your mind won’t shut off. The different cannabinoids work in our bodies to address areas of imbalance in the body and work hard to bring the bodily systems back into balance, which in turn may improve one’s mood, reaction to stress, and better sleep… the list is long and varies between individuals.


Starting a Cannabis Regimen: Tips for Beginners

Starting a regimen of Cannabis involving all the naturally occurring cannabinoids doesn’t have to be complicated. You could start by doing research on the 3 main cannabinoids and their acidic counterparts (THC, THCa, CBD, CBDa, CBG, CBGa). Depending on your ailments, choose one to start off with. You can start a regimen with several cannabinoids at once, but it will be really hard to determine what worked, or if it was the blend of cannabinoids that brought relief (entourage effect (4)). So start with one cannabinoid, and journal your doses and how it made you feel, and did it bring relief to the ailment that you were targeting. 


Cannabis and Holistic Lifestyle: A Recipe for Improved Well-being

Effective Cannabis Newsletter has a plethora of articles, videos, and podcasts that may help you along your Cannabis education quest. Also, several Coaches, Educators, Medical Professionals, Organizations, and content providers in the directory would be happy to assist anyone looking to Cannabis as an alternative to pharmaceuticals.

When combined with a holistic lifestyle "exercise, remove as many toxins and chemicals from your life as possible, journaling, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep," the body is able to handle stress more efficiently, resulting in a better outlook on the situation and overall mood improvement. This can move one to pursue even more healthy goals, like maintaining a routine of exercise and eating a more balanced diet. With time, the result will be a much happier person in comparison, even if one is still running in survivor mode (5).


Shifting the Relationship with Pain and Body through Cannabis

The more subtle change that can occur with the proper cannabinoid regimen is one’s shift in their relationship with their pain and body. Cannabis decreases anxiety and can assist a person’s ability to listen more attentively to what the body is needing at the moment, and then choosing to take the time to honor that need and care for it. Even simple changes can make a huge difference for a busy caregiver, and if their cannabinoid medicine treated their symptoms, but also attuned a person more into their body, resulting in more meaningful self-care, I doubt anyone would say no to that!


Exploring the Research on Medical Cannabis and its Potential Benefits

Give Medical Cannabis a thorough look over. There are thousands of research articles published that consistently back up the testimonials of what Cannabis has treated, and since you are (hopefully) already considering it for the one you love, also keep yourself in mind, because we are only good for others when we care for ourselves first.


A Message to Caregivers: You Are Loved and Deserve Self-Care

For all of you Caregivers out there reading this, know that you are loved and appreciated for your sacrifice. Please find the time, even if it is for just 15 minutes in a day, to honor yourself through a form of self-care. Perhaps you could set a goal to practice one of the above suggestions today!



  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Caregiving for Family and Friends — A Public Health Issue.
  2. Grinspoon, Peter, Dr, The Endocannabinoid System: Essential and Mysterious,, Dec 28, 2022
  3. McPartland, John M et al. “Care and feeding of the endocannabinoid system: a systematic review of potential clinical interventions that upregulate the endocannabinoid system.” PloS one vol. 9,3 e89566. 12 Mar. 2014, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089566
  4. Russo, Ethan B. “Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects.” British journal of pharmacology vol. 163,7 (2011): 1344-64. doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01238.x
  5. Realm of Caring, Lack of Motivation: Is Cannabis a Friend or Foe,


About J'Ne Clapper:

J’Né Clapper is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Medical Cannabis Wellness Advisor with continuing education in the fitness, nutrition and Cannabis education industry. Her personal experience and success with Cannabinoid Medicine have moved her to educate as many people with the truth about Medical Cannabis and to integrate this plant medicine into other wellness coaching areas of her career. She is an intern and a regularly contributing advocate to the Effective Cannabis Newsletter.

Contact J'Ne through the e-mail link below to learn more about her services.

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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