
Cannabis Helped My Chronic Pain, Arthritis, and Migraines

cbd cbda cbg cbga harm reduction insomnia intimacy migraines pain stigma testimonial Jul 06, 2023
Tricia Mills and quote from her

Submitted by Tricia Mills from Oahu, Hawaii


I am 67 years old. I live on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. On March 6, 1990, I checked myself into a women’s treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been dealing with migraines ever since.


Pain, arthritis, and migraines

Having used cannabis since 2010, the symptoms of piercing pain on one side or the other and the sensitivities to light, sound, and smell have disappeared. Now the only symptom left is an occasional classic migraine aura that requires a dose of Imitrex.

I had been dealing with knee pain since 2006. For two years, my primary care physician prescribed 180 hydrocodone per month. In 2008 I finally had a partial knee replacement. Afterward, I was left addicted to opioids, still in pain, and using a cane.

Within a year of beginning cannabis, my range of motion was 90%. One day while cleaning, I found myself under the dining table. I stopped and realized I had enough flexibility to crawl under the table! This realization was an aha moment for me that cannabis was working.


Addicted without warning

The challenges I faced were that I became addicted to opioids while trying to treat the knee pain. In 2006 I had been sober from alcohol and drugs for 16 years. The doctor said it was a new pain relief medicine that was non-addictive. We all now know that was not the truth.

Once I realized I was becoming addicted, the addict within was alive and ready for more. It was two years and several surgeons' opinions later when I finally had a partial knee replacement on my left knee. One surgeon wanted to do a full knee replacement on both knees at the same time.


Legalization opens a pathway to healing

I thought the knee surgery would cure the pain I was enduring. Prior to the surgery, my left knee would sometimes hit bone to bone, stopping me in my tracks when walking. After the surgery, arthritis was the continuing constant pain, and I needed a walking cane.

In 2010, Hawaii legalized medical marijuana, and I attended "Hawaii's First Medical Marijuana Educational Seminar," presented by Canna Business University, where we met doctors, lawyers, growers, etc.

We made appointments with the doctor to see if we were qualified for the Hawaii Medical Marijuana 329 Card. Chronic pain, arthritis, and migraines were my qualifying ailments.

We met Carlos of Green Hands of Aloha, a grow shop on the island. He taught my husband Gerry and me how to grow cannabis and infuse the flowers into butter. I made cookies, brownies, and cornbread. Later he suggested I stop infusing cannabis into butter because it causes inflammation and infuse it into coconut oil instead.

Today, Carlos is still mentoring us as I grow my business, Canna Be Wellness.


Turning pain into purpose

In May of 2021, I went to The Cannabis Coaching Institute and became a Certified Health and Wellness Coach specializing in cannabis. I learned the science behind how the phytocannabinoids in cannabis work with our body's Endocannabinoid System (ECS). According to Dr. Ethan Russo, IBS, fibromyalgia, and migraines may result from endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome. The education at CCI helped me to understand that cannabis is a medicine for so many dis-eases. My connection with fellow students has proven to be priceless in support, networking, and friendship.


The thought of using cannabis as medicine required a lot of soul-searching

Being sober since 1990, the idea of using cannabis as medicine required a lot of soul-searching and trust in my spiritual foundation before I was comfortable using cannabis as medicine.

The first few tokes of cannabis left me uncertain if I was betraying my recovery again. The euphoria was more than I expected. I took too many hits and got way too high the first time. I associated the feeling with getting high from drugs and became frightened and confused. The cannabis of today is far more potent than any I ever used 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s. I learned the lesson of starting low and going slow the hard way.

Today, I sell my topicals to Hawaii's 329 cardholders at Care Waialua, and I'm a member of the Oahu Cannabis Farmers Alliance.


I formulate all of our medicine

I use a blend of cannabinoids for different benefits. We grow THC and purchase CBD and CBG from an organic farm in Oregon.

The items I make are:

  • CBDa CBD/ CBGa CBG flower infused in MCT oil. Used for an overall feeling of wellness and reduction in inflammation. It’s in a size ”00” capsule or tincture dosing. It’s safe for pets, too.
  • THC Durban Poison flower infused in MCT oil put into size ”00” capsules. Used during the day for focus and getting things done.
  • THC Aurora flower infused in MCT oil put into size ”00” capsules. Used in the afternoon or evening for relaxation, pain relief, and sleep.

I also make three topicals infused with THCa, THC, CBDa, CBD, CBGa, and CBG.

  • Avocado Face and Body oil. It quickly penetrates deep into the skin, firms, and tones, and minimizes the effects of aging. We apply this on our damp skin from head to toe after showering.
  • Sweet Almond Massage oil. Releases muscle tension, increases circulation, aids in lubrication, softens skin, and reduces scarring.
  • Salve Ation is a pain salve in MCT oil, olive oil, beeswax, and Olba's oil for the essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, cajeput, juniper, wintergreen, and clove. It’s for chronic pain, muscle soreness, burns, or as a general feel-better remedy. It’s proven to be effective on arthritis in my hands and knees and my husband’s back. I find new uses for it as clients tell me how it helped them.

The dermatologist has noticed a significant difference in the skin of Gerry’s forearms that were exposed to years of the sun in construction work from using the topicals.


A total body massage on the beach with the pain salve is transforming!

My husband, Gerry has ADHD. I've been making a formula for him using THCa, THC, CBDa, CBD, CBGa, and CBG based on the terpene profiles of the flowers. After researching, I discovered that pinene, terpinolene, limonene, and caryophyllene may provide medicine to aid his mental processing. After 90 days, he was able to cut his anti-depressant dosage in half. His ability to focus and complete tasks have improved tremendously.

I discovered two types of suppositories at 63, first, with my gynecologist. She prescribed Intrarosa for severe pain during sexual intercourse. She’s of the school that we should enjoy sex for our entire life. Second, a fellow student of CCI, a mentor, and a friend, Michelle Crawford. She taught us the power of using six cannabinoids vs just one. Now I make my own suppositories with cocoa butter infused with THCa, THC, CBDa, CBD, CBGa, and CBG. I use the suppositories in combination, alternating them each night. We now have the most pleasurable sex of our 27-year marriage.


Before incorporating cannabis for my condition: I was in pain and using a cane

My quality of life was deteriorating. The knee surgery was done. My addiction to opioids was unexpected. I became one of those people that looked on the internet for drugs. When that moment happened, I knew I was in trouble. I went to bed knowing this recovery would be cold turkey. I felt defeated. My pain level was a steady 3 when walking. Depression led to extended time away from work. A lot of weight gain rounded everything out.


After incorporating cannabis to address my health issues: On a scale of 1-10, my pain is 0 most days

The migraines are minimal, maybe once a year I take an Imitrex for the aura that affects my vision. Chronic pain is something I don’t even think about. The pain of arthritis in my hands and knees is minimal. The pain reduction is maintained by taking capsules of cannabis daily and rubbing the pain salve into any place on my body that needs some attention. I work out at our local gym 3-5 days a week. The stair master is now one of my favorite pieces of equipment. The Empire State Building is 102 floors. I climb that in 44 minutes and continue on for 60 minutes.

This year, with the help of my doctor, I discontinued the anti-depressants I had been on since 1990.

However, it’s not just cannabis that keeps me healthy. It’s living a life in homeostasis. Drinking plenty of water. Eating healthy live foods. Proper sleep. Movement. Loving relationships. Spirituality. Laughter. All of these equal a quality of life worth living.



This is Tricia's personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.

To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.

 If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.


Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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