
Cannabis Helped My Chronic Pain and Symptoms Caused by Fibromyalgia

cbd cbda depression endocannabinoid system (ecs) fibromyalgia pain sleep testimonial thc Mar 04, 2024
Tiffany G. Testimonial

Submitted by Tiffany G. from Michigan

I am 44 years old from Michigan and I've been dealing with Fibromyalgia for 10 years.


The challenge I faced was navigating intense pain

It hurt when I would walk, I could feel the shock of my feet hitting the floor with each step I took. The shock ran from my feet all the way up my leg to my pelvic area. I also couldn't sleep. I would just lay awake at night thinking, why is this happening to me?

I tried counting sheep, counting backwards, everything, but nothing worked. Which led to brain fog. I couldn’t focus when I would read or even in the middle of a conversation, my mind would wander. I would lose what I was saying in the middle of my sentence.


Going through this caused me to feel alone and depressed

I felt like no one understood. Here I am, a young woman and my mind was failing me, and I was beginning to think I was developing Alzheimer's. I couldn’t remember details like my kid's age; hell, I couldn’t remember my age. I would get confused on timelines as well, like what happened when and the details, what I ate for dinner the night before or even what I wore earlier that day.

I didn’t like speaking to people because of my wandering mind. All these things made me so depressed that I would go into my bathroom, run the water and cry uncontrollably. I felt incompetent and embarrassed about the way I spoke. If I didn't have young children, I probably wouldn’t be here right now, but I knew I had to live for them. There were times when I didn't want to get out of bed but the kids had to eat. I would get up, cry, pray, brush my teeth, wash my face, and go make breakfast.

After work, I would come home, shower, cry more, and cook dinner, this had become my routine for years. I knew there had to be a better way but I just couldn't figure out what it was. I prayed and I prayed for the answer.


Five years of misdiagnosis and one full year of seeing a specialist every week!

Each one not knowing what the heck was wrong with me. Before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I was prescribed pain pills, Tylenol 3 to be exact, and tramadol. I was suffering from the pain of my TMJ, muscle and joint pain and constant tonsillitis. I had so many symptoms that were like other diseases that it was hard for the specialists to diagnose. I was finally diagnosed with Celiac disease, Irritable Bowel Disease, and Reynaud's Syndrome to name a few, but I was still feeling joint pain and other symptoms. Back to the drawing board, we went. First, it was thought that I had Lupus, then Multiple Sclerosis (which is still on the table), to Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I was taking the pain pills so much that I started to get dependent on them. That's when I knew I had to figure out what was wrong and how to help myself on my own. I had to live not only for me but for my children. They needed me. I wanted to be present for graduation and weddings so I owed it to myself. Through prayer and my faith, I was able to come through on the other side. I am so grateful to see and hold my first grandchild!


After I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

I was prescribed antidepressants, more pain pills, and muscle relaxants. I found myself reaching for the pain pills even when my pain was bearable or nonexistent. I knew I had to try something else. The meds were a mask for the hurt and shame I felt for being sick. I couldn’t do the things I once was able to do. Like enjoying going outside to play with my small kids. I felt guilty because I felt like I robbed them of their childhood sitting in the house not being able to go out like “normal kids”, not going anywhere just work/school then home.

The doctors didn’t help, once I told them I would no longer take the medicine. One stopped making appointments for me and the other one just kept trying to push the pills telling me why I should take them. None believe in the natural ways to find relief. Yes, the pain pills made me feel great mentally not so much physically. The pain was still there but I was finally happy and able to escape from the nightmare I was living in constant pain and the guilt of being a “horrible mother”. Now I know how a person feels to be hooked on drugs and the pitfalls of taking prescription medicine. That is pain! I would never want anyone to feel or go through the pain of loneliness and guilt.


My eldest son told me about taking Cannabis for pain

I was reluctant to try because I thought of the "stoner" look. When I attended a Cannabis summit for M4MM (Minorities for Medical Marijuana), I knew I had to try it at least. I searched the internet for more information when I came across Wake N Bake and Corrine Tobias. When I enrolled in Cannabis Coaching Institute (CCI), I learned how to properly dose myself where my sweet spot helps my pain and understand my ECS (Endocannabinoid System).

Michele Crawford's Homemade Health Class taught me how to make my own medicine: suppositories, tinctures, scrubs, and topicals.

I found the relief I was looking for and needed!


I struggled with stigma up until a year ago

Still, I sometimes struggle with the stigma because I was raised in the church, and drugs of any kind are frowned upon. Working in Early Education, I couldn't imagine my parents learning that the sweet little lady was a "stoner."

Today, I am pushing past my comfort zone by hosting events and also sharing what I've learned about how Cannabis helps people who suffer like I once did before Cannabis. I want people to know that this is not a drug IT’S MEDICINE! It can help erase the notion that it's only for people sitting on the couch playing video games. There are plenty of businessmen and businesswomen living and thriving in their lives with the help of Cannabis.


My Cannabis protocol

My mornings start off with a tincture that consists of CBG, CBGA, CBD, CBDA, THCA 1:1 ratios for each one. I end my day with a sleepytime tea and a sleepytime tincture, which consists of lavender, chamomile, and valerian root, CBD, CBG, THCA, and THC 1:1 equal ratios.

Before incorporating Cannabis for my fibromyalgia

I was always angry and couldn't focus my mood swings would be so bad that all I could do was cry. I would fly off the handle for any little thing. If a person asked a question I deemed “stupid,” I had no problem with letting them know, especially if I was experiencing pain. When I had the famous “brain fog” or lack of focus, it was scary.

One day, as I was driving home, I totally forgot where I was going and how to get home. I drove around and cried. I thought I definitely had to be insane. The worst part was my children were in the car with me. Once I calmed down and breathed we made it home. It took me a while to share what happened.


After incorporating Cannabis to address my health issues

I am in a better mood, and I don't get mad as fast. I wake up and exercise 5-6 times a week. I choose a diet that is enriched in anti-inflammatory foods. I also journal to get my thoughts out on paper. I can not miss a day without meditating and praying in the morning and at bedtime. It helps me establish a positive mindset before I get out of bed.


This is Tiffany’s personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.


To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.


If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.


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