
Cannabis Improved My Overall Wellness in My Journey From Suicidal Ideation to Actively Participating in Life's Challenges

anxiety cbd depression pain testimonial thc Sep 07, 2023
Man crossing a bridge and Brian's quote

Submitted by Bryan C. from Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada

THC, CBD and all related cannabinoids have greatly improved my overall wellness. I currently suffer severe anxiety from clinical depression as well as a herniated disk in my lower spine which will be surgically addressed soon.


It is wonderful to be alive

Cannabis improved my overall wellness in my journey from suicidal ideation to actively participating in life's challenges. It has been profound and life-changing. My continued healing and hope is gratefully attributed to Wellness Coach Michelle and her healthy program infused with education, compassion, care, and concern.


I'm a kindly, elderly codger living in Sioux Lookout, Ontario

Historically speaking, I am no stranger to cannabis. In the past, partaking of it was illegal and frowned upon as a gateway drug and I often felt guilty of the societal stigmatization of its use.


My desire for cannabis to benefit my health issues began very recently

I was preparing for suicide in darkness. Severe depression had left me crippled and trapped in my mind. I did not eat properly and spent much of my time in bed willing myself to die.


I became minimally involved with others as I isolated myself deeper

I began to medicate myself with alcohol, specifically 7 beers per day, no more no less, but my survival hinged on it, so I truly believed.

I also endure intense pain from a herniated disk. I am scheduled for a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon in the near future. Cannabis keeps me mobile through my day by providing pain relief.

The mountain seemed insurmountable as deep darkness and profound sadness tormented me.
I was seriously considering checking out of this life. A split second away from making the wrong decision.


Thank God for cannabis helping me through my chronic lower back pain

With the benefit of clear thinking and sound judgment, anxiety and fear have eased. Life is pleasing to the eye from this vantage somewhere up the mountain.

I'm grateful for the beneficial effects of medicinal cannabis improving my mobility. My mental health is also stronger, and I have an interest in participating in life again.


Change has come to my attitude

CannaWell with Michelle, my personal wellness coach is kind, compassionate, trustworthy and dependable. Her journey of strength and perseverance is inspirational as she planted seeds of hope and healing along the way for me.


I believe it is our own willful ignorance as a society that got us to this place

How did a lowly plant created by God become the object of scorn and legal persecution? I rely on the benefits of this good plant, a necessary medicine, my friend, for unleashing inspiration to the imagination and hope for getting well.

I am a true believer in how the plant benefits mental and physical health. I believe in strongly advocating for the de-stigmatization of this wonderful healing agent that God created.


Cannabis is not for everybody, however, it helped me say, “I want to live again”

Now I smile in the morning. That alone helps me to decompress my anxiety level and is calming to my heart rate as the last echoes of chaos recede in the distance.

My wellness is minute-by-minute right at the moment. I will persevere in my efforts to take care of my hernia until my orthopedic surgeon sees me, things will get better.

I’m encouraged to be interested in life with the help of cannabis and I’m on my way to wellness.


Before incorporating Cannabis for my condition, I was severely depressed

I spent my nights preparing for suicide in the darkness thinking out loud “My life is over” and “there is no place in the world for me”.

I felt I didn't belong in this world. I began to convince myself to actively prepare for my death as indescribable sadness overpowered my emotions. Infected with this depression, my days bled into night's. Rinse, repeat, don't eat.


In the throes of severe depression, I seldom ate properly and often threw up

I was helpless and in constant deep sadness, a shell of the warrior I once was, to be left an emotional wreck weeping spontaneously.

I began to isolate myself from church and avoid all human contact.


Anger issues rendered me incapable of normal healthy relationships

I have lost contact with loved ones due to anger issues. After incorporating cannabis to address my health issues, I began to think differently.

I began to appreciate things again. For example, I saw the beauty of playful drama unfolding outside my window as chipmunks scurried about laying claim to their rivals' nuts.


My attitude was adjusted, my life responded and soon followed

Cannawell with Michelle was there to help. Michelle is the active impetus and main reason I take another kick at the can.

I speak the truth while realigning myself spiritually, I smoke a little herb and presently at this moment, would never consider harming myself.

I can only strive for a good life through personal wellness. I am not the same person I was when I was struggling in bed.

I have joy, I have interest and sticktoitiveness to power through life's challenges.


Excitement and gratitude occupy the void where despair seethed in darkness

The healing properties of God's plant and my personal friend helping me through tough times has been a gift.

My heart aches for my lost friends and loved ones who may have benefited from cannabis as well.


This is Bryan’s personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.

To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don’t have to figure it out on your own.

 If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.


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