
Gummies & The Green

cbd edibles seniors thc Jul 06, 2023
Cartoon image of Mrs. Green with a computer, notebook and plant on a blue background and a quote from Mrs. Green about who she is an how she likes to answer questions about cannabis

By Joyce McNeely aka "Mrs. Green" - Cannabis Educator


Hello and welcome to Mrs. Green’s Q&A. I take Cannabis questions from curious folks like you and answer them. Starting out on my own Cannabis journey, I had a lot of questions. I hope that answering some of your most burning questions here will help you along your journey as well. Come along! Let’s get started!

A couple of questions came in this past month about gummies and seniors. So I will do my best to answer those here.


 Gummies and The Green

Cannabis gummies are all the rage. Or haven’t you heard? They are easily available and effective. This month's question comes to us via a person who is trying to help their dear Grandmama with pain and anxiety. However, our dear senior does not feel anything different with a CBD gummy after only a few doses. So, join us as we delve into Cannabis gummies, won’t you?

Gummies can help with anxiety, pain, inflammation, and muscle spasms, among others. They can assist with a better quality of life for the seniors in our lives. Don’t we all want that? One thing to take into consideration is that your senior person doesn’t need to feel “high” to benefit from Cannabis edibles. However, it can take time and patience.


Several Things to Take Into Consideration Are:

  • Dosing
  • Timing
  • Ingredients
  • Source and Spectrum
  • Documentation and Tracking
  • Pharmaceuticals and CBD


Dosing with Gummies is Not A One Size Fits All Situation.

Each person's body is different and has different needs. It is suggested that everyone start low and go slow. This means starting with as low as 2.5mg and working up from there depending on how the person feels. Were there any symptoms relief? 


This Leads Us To Timing

Typically, gummies have a 30–90-minute onset but can vary from person to person. Effects can reach their peak in 2-3 hours and last 6-8 hours depending on the dosage size. (Goldstein, Cannabis is Medicine, pg 105)

If some relief was noticed in a timely manner, it is recommended that the person stay on the same regimen for 5-7 days before making any changes. It sounds like our questioner's Grandmama may need a longer gummy trial to fully evaluate if the gummy is working, upping the dosage by 2.5mg every few days.

If after a few weeks of trying different strengths and not seeing any improvement in symptoms, you may need to look at delivery methods. There are so many! Gummies may be the easiest for a senior person, but there are also sublingual tinctures, topicals, suppositories, patches, capsules, drinks, or yes, even inhalation.


How About Those Ingredients?

Is the gummy a CBD only? Or is it CBD and THC? If it has THC, is it a low dose? What is the CBD to THC ratios? Remember, cannabinoids work better together than separately. We love the entourage effect! Most gummies have the details on the label. But if you are wanting more information, then please look or ask for the COA or Certificate of Analysis. This will show you the breakdown of all the phytocannabinoids.


Source and Spectrum Matter

Something else to consider is where the gummies are purchased and what kind of CBD is actually in the package. Is it broad-spectrum CBD (no THC), or full-spectrum CBD (CBD with minimal THC)? Here in Texas, both are available, but the full-spectrum usually works better because it does have that touch of THC in it. So watch the labels or verify with the COA.


Documentation and Tracking Are Important When Working with Cannabis

Be sure to write down how much, how often, the names of products, what worked, and what didn’t work. If it did work, is there room to improve? Does the timing of the doses need to change? Or maybe the delivery method? Was the Cannabis taken on a full stomach or an empty one? What were the effects on the mind and body?


CBD Has The Potential To Interact With A Range of Pharmaceuticals

Medications such as anti-seizure drugs, blood thinners, and anti-anxiety or antidepressants. To ensure your safety and effectiveness, it is highly recommended to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or pharmacist. By consulting with them, you can make well-informed decisions about incorporating CBD into your routine.  


About Mrs. Green

Mrs. Green is a Certified Cannabis Educator, Patient, and Advocate. Each month she will take Cannabis questions from people new to medical Cannabis and answer them without getting too far into the weeds (pun intended).

Are you new to medical Cannabis and have questions about how it works? Ask Mrs. Green, and perhaps she will answer your questions in a future issue! Follow the link to read other blogs by Mrs. Green and to submit a question.


Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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