
My Experience with Cannabis as an Acute Treatment for Covid-19 Pandemic

anxiety cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg cbga covid endocannabinoid system (ecs) thc thca Aug 08, 2023
Sick lady with cup and cannabis infused oil

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Cannabis can be used for so many health issues. It’s really an amazingly adaptive plant medicine. For me, that was so apparent during the pandemic. Not only was I using it to overcome anxiety and depression (1) but also for an acute need when I got Covid in early 2021.


Navigating Risks: Allowing Social Interaction for an Immuno-Compromised Household

Living with an immuno-compromised person, I am incredibly careful with where I go and what I do. But, as one does, I began to take calculated risks after almost a year of isolation. My then nine-year-old son wanted to join his classmates for an outing on a bus, so I agreed to go as a chaperone. I thought that the social time was very important for him since we’d all been so isolated for so long. He asked if he could sit with a friend, so of course I responded to those pleading eyes and said yes.


Covid Exposure: Implementing Measures to Protect the Vulnerable

He had a great time, but we brought home Covid. First hit were two of his classmates including the one that he sat with, then him, then me! Luckily, we were being very careful, so Covid missed the immuno-compromised family member in our home because we quarantined as soon as we suspected that it was afoot. Quarantining definitely works to contain it!


Discovering the Benefits of Multi-Cannabinoid Tincture during Covid

I found other things that worked with Covid. Most notably, regularly taking a multi-cannabinoid tincture containing THC, CBD, CBG, THCA, CBDA, and CBGA. As soon as I realized that I most likely had it after my son tested positive, I watched my symptoms evolve. I noticed that I felt somewhat better about an hour after taking my normal daytime tincture (same as the one I describe above except with no THC.)


Observing Symptom Relief with Regular Cannabis Use

As my symptoms continued to increase as the illness progressed, I switched to my evening tincture to see if it made more of a difference. Note that the tincture that I make for my own medicine contains approximately 10 mg of each of the cannabinoids. As this is a tincture that I normally take in the evening, it is definitely elevating and it helps me sleep. If I took this tincture during the day, I would definitely experience being high. But as I took it at all times of the day and night during my Covid experience it was not the same. I never got high.


Supporting the Immune System with Cannabis during Acute Illness

Even in my foggy-brained experience, I could tell that my body was using those cannabinoids. I progressed to taking the tincture every three to four hours, and I would feel better yet not high. My body was utilizing the cannabinoids as fast as I could take them. I tried skipping a dose and would feel worse, so I know that it was doing something! If you think about it, of course cannabis, which directly affects the endocannabinoid system (ECS), would affect an acute illness like Covid. The immune system is working overtime to deal with the virus, and the ECS works to bring homeostasis to the body by assisting other systems. The supplemental cannabis I was taking was supporting my whole system.


Exploring the Potential of Cannabis for Covid-19

If you feel drawn to digging in on the research on Covid and cannabis, there are a few studies below to get you started. For me, my own personal experience is enough for me to share my story in the hopes that others will try cannabis for acute health issues to see what happens. We are our own best advocates for our health. And sometimes we have to take a leap and use plant medicine and see what happens.


ECN Editor’s note: Individual responses to Cannabis can differ due to variations in each individual's endocannabinoid system (ECS). Therefore, the responses and experiences with Cannabis may differ from person to person. Experimentation with Cannabis is a personal journey, and the best way to understand its effects for yourself is through direct experience. To learn more about cannabis, you can explore the material on the Effective Cannabis Newsletter site, or consult with a cannabis professional.



1. Mitchell, Alex. “The Power of Cannabis: Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety.” The Power of Cannabis: Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, 10 July 2023,         


Additional Resources:

1. Cannabidiol inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication through induction of the host ER stress and innate immune responses.                                                                              

2. Cannabis consumption is associated with lower COVID-19 severity among hospitalized patients: a retrospective cohort analysis.                                            

3. Study shows hemp compounds prevent coronavirus from entering human cells.


About Alex Mitchell:

Alex Mitchell is an Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach, educator, as well as a Cannabis medical patient. She works with people who are seeking deep change in their lives, whether that is through the use of plant medicine or other change work techniques.

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.



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