
Self-Care and Intentional Cannabis Consumption

consumption methods self-care sleep May 04, 2023
Rachel Selah sitting on a blanket on the grass writing in a journal

By Rachel Selah, Certified Cannabis Coach and Birth Worker


Let me begin by saying this: Cannabis consumption is self-care; whether you wake and bake, have a bedtime blunt, or consume cannabis throughout your day, you are practicing self-care.

The key is optimizing your cannabis use to meet your self-care needs. How do you enjoy your cannabis?

Here are some considerations for enriching your self-maintenance routine/regimen with cannabis.


Start by Honestly Examining The Nature of Your Cannabis Consumption:



Do you know why you consume cannabis? If you pose this question to your average "stoner", they may have a running line about getting high, or how much it helps them and how good it feels, that is really fantastic.

Being a "stoner" is awesome, but it’s just one side of cannabis consumption, and most people who use cannabis aren’t "stoners" (stoners I love you).

As our knowledge of cannabis grows, so does our ability to use it to treat a variety of ailments and conditions. For example, someone who suffers from insomnia, a very common condition in today’s society, may use cannabis to treat their insomnia. An individual who has a nightly bedtime blunt can be passively using cannabis to combat their insomnia. However, they may not get all the benefits available as someone who has implemented cannabis into their bedtime routine with intention.


Identifying The Reasons Behind Your Cannabis Use is Key to Enhancing Your Self-care with Cannabis

Now that you have answered the first question and have identified your reasons for using cannabis, all of the other questions will be easy to answer.

If you find yourself struggling with question four, here are some tips: when thinking about habitual/ritualistic vs intentional consumption. Don’t think of it as though one practice is better than the other; that isn’t what I am saying. Habitual/ritualistic use almost always comes from a place of comfortability and complacency and is rooted in fixed habits that have not really changed; whereas intention is rooted in focused consumption to treat conditions or enhance health and wellness.

These questions are designed to switch it up and to help you find the right cannabinoids and ingestion/consumption methods that work best for you.


About Rachel Selah:

Rachel is a Certified Cannabis Health Coach, and Birth Worker. She specializes in self-care and Women’s Wellness. She is passionate about helping women be well. She partners with clients to help them discover new and sustainable ways to show up for themselves with just as much intention as they show up for the ones they love.

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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