Transforming My Lung Health: How Cannabinoid Therapies Made the Difference
Jun 03, 2024
Submitted by Debi W. from Phoenix, Arizona
I am 67 years old, living in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and have been dealing with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) lung disease for 25 years, along with Asthma since birth.
The battles I faced were just to breathe, to walk, and to cope with reactions to pharmaceuticals
I needed oxygen 24 hours a day, was in a wheelchair due to a ruptured tendon that would not heal, and taking numerous pharmaceuticals. There were three in imparticular that were needed to try and stop the MAC Lung disease. The combination of these drugs affected my body harshly. I lost 20 pounds in a month; the medications were impacting every muscle and tendon to where I couldn't even raise my arms to turn on a light switch or wash my hair. I had persistent nausea/vomiting, severe stomach/abdominal pain, loss of appetite, headaches, joint pain/swelling, and muscle weakness.
Before I started exploring Cannabis
I felt horrible, helpless, and lost since everyone said they could not help me. I was losing my ability to take care of my family and myself. I was a caregiver for my mom and mother-in-law, who both lived with me and now I found myself needing a 24-hour caregiver, incapable of taking care of others. My life was spiraling out of control; all the doctors and CDC could say was, "There is nothing more we can do. We have no treatment options to offer you. Go home and accept this; the prognosis with treatment is five years."
I was on Daliresp, Foradil Inhalation, Pulmicort, Asmanex, Spiriva Inhalation, Prednisone, Spironolactone, Furosemide, Sodium Chloride, Clarithromycin, Rifampin, Ethambutol, and oxygen. I developed numerous side effects, which caused me to be placed on Benzoate, Potassium, Probiotics, Prednizone, Omeprazole, and Gaviscon to try and manage some of the symptoms created by the pharmaceuticals.
I was living a life I did not want with no quality to my life, with 'death' appearing as the only escape route before Cannabis.
When I began my journey desperately seeking help, there were no Cannabis coaches available to guide me
I received some education through The Sacred Plant with Dr. Knox, Dr. David Bearman, the late Dr. Allan Frankel, and Dr. Daniel Stein. Now none of the training offered was on lung health and Cannabis. It was on Cannabis for chronic pain, cancer, brain health, and Alzheimer's. It gave me the basics so I could then apply my medical training and start creating a treatment plan by meeting my endocannabinoid system. Through observations and being more in tune with my body I began to upgrade my health.
I was on a constant search for information on lungs and Cannabis use, and all I could find was that it was harmful to inhale Cannabis. Therefore I was only consuming edibles until I heard of the Herbalizer flower vaporizer designed by two NASA scientists. So I was not only studying the plant, I was also studying types of consumption methods and medical Cannabis equipment (vapes) that might improve administration.
I was surfing Twitter for any accounts that might have medical Cannabis education for patients. I stumbled onto a 3-day event held in Las Vegas where leading experts were teaching about medical Cannabis. The fact that it was also virtual allowed me to attend everyday and absorb as much information as humanly possible in my fragile medical state.
Growing up during the '60s I was very indoctrinated with the warning “Your brain will be fried if you use marijuana”
I entered college to study Medical Technology where all the education revolved around the impact of drugs on the body and how bad drugs were. Then I landed a job in an oncology lab working with two doctors who started talking about utilizing “marijuana” to alleviate pain and improve sleep. I was shocked yet intrigued. This was in the late 70s and not conventional or even heard of at the time. What they taught me changed how I looked at “marijuana” as having some medical properties.
I didn't have time for stigma by the time I decided to try Cannabis for my pain. Now, telling my family was a little scary, but I went in saying this is not up for debate. This is what I am doing, and you need to know that it could cause me some trouble as it is not accepted as a medical treatment by most doctors, even though I live in a medical marijuana state.
The stigma I encounter from my doctors is heartbreaking as they are missing an opportunity to be educated and learn about a body system we are all born with, the ECS, and the role of a natural plant called Cannabis.
Instead of telling me, “You're just one person, and there is no evidence,” they should listen, learn, and review my medical records as they document the improvements made.
Cannabis, a natural plant, has upgraded my health giving me back a life I thought I would never ever see again!
Crafting a Custom Cannabis Routine to Manage Inflammation and Respiratory Health
Inhaling Cannabis first thing in the morning is crucial for reducing inflammation and opening my airways. Cannabis acts as a bronchodilator, relaxing and widening the bronchi in my lungs. I utilize a dry flower vaporizer of two inhalations of a customized mixture of THC/CBD/CBG. This routine is followed by additional doses two or three times throughout the day to maintain minimal inflammation and keep airways relaxed. At bedtime, I flower vape two inhalations of a combination of THC/CBG to ensure I can get a good night's rest.
I hone in on specific terpenes when choosing my Cannabis medicine. Pinene and Humulene are good for respiratory conditions and reducing inflammation. Limonene has antifungal and antibacterial properties which is very important with compromised lungs to help avoid infections. Linalool helps to reduce stress, which can impact my breathing. It is not easy to find all these in my favorite chemovar, hence the need to create my own mix.
The temperature settings on my flower vape have also proven to be a game changer in how my body responds and have become vital in keeping my lungs at their best possible functioning.
Before Cannabis, I was constantly in and out of the hospital fighting for my life one too many times
There were a few years where I lived in a constant state of infection in my lungs, bouncing from one type of infection to the next. I required a 24-hour caregiver as I was unable to attend to my daily needs. I was on a fast track to the doctor's office like clockwork. The CDC and I became very acquainted as they were called in to determine how to address the uncommon pneumonia that loved my lungs. The treatments were very harsh and left me with an immune deficiency.
After Cannabis, I learned how to live life again!
Since 2015, I have been on a quest that has led me to surpass the 5-year life expectancy that was predicted for me. It wasn’t until I started flower vaping that my lungs began to change and my breathing improved. Thankfully, I trusted two scientists who said it would be safe for me to flower vape. This was life-changing, giving me the ability to eliminate all breathing medications except one with a natural plant. Cannabis has successfully replaced 28 prescriptions to date. I no longer require oxygen 24 hours; I just need it while I sleep or if I am up moving around a lot. I have not had one lung infection or required hospitalization for over 8 years. I can take care of all my personal needs without requiring a 24-hour caregiver. That is a massive win … I upgraded my health, improving my quality of life.
I was forced onto disability and unable to work for decades, but thanks to Cannabis I have been able to return to work, which led me to advocate for patients and Cannabis.
I never expected what happened and never could have dreamed it would be this good!
In looking for answers to alleviate the pain from my Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), I met my endocannabinoid system and by engaging with it I met myself, giving me the opportunity to improve my health and quality of life.
I have been using cannabinoid therapies for 8 years and the improvements in my health and life are still continuing to upgrade. My last CT Scan shows that all the nodules in my lungs caused by MAC are gone and the inflammation has been greatly reduced. Never did I expect to ever hear those amazing results when doctors had previously told me, “There is nothing more we can do and no other treatment options available.”
As I sit here now, I know that my decades of illness and chronic pain could have been avoided if medicinal Cannabis had been accessible. This underscores the urgent need for education and change in how we approach health.
This is Debi’s personal story and not meant to be medical advice. It is for informational purposes.
To work with a medical Cannabis professional, please visit our directory of coaches, educators, and medical professionals. Everyone's endocannabinoid system (ECS) is different; good results start with the right approach. You don't have to figure it out on your own.
If you need help with any terminology in this article, you may find some answers in our glossary.
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