
Overcoming Unconscious Bias and Stigma: Embracing the Power of Medical Cannabis

advocacy stigma Nov 29, 2023
RX vs Cannabis

By Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Cannabis is a beacon of hope for many as they struggle with medical conditions. Perhaps you know the story of Charlotte (1), the child with such severe epilepsy that she was experiencing up to 300 seizures per month. Then her family found Cannabis, and Charlotte’s life changed for the better.

Maybe you’ve read about Jay Jay (2), a cancer warrior who was diagnosed with Stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. She began her journey by consuming Cannabis to manage her pain and then discovered more. This year, the cancer that was deemed “inoperable, incurable, and terminal” was no longer showing on any scans. When she asked her oncologist to show her evidence of any active cancer, they said they couldn’t. Her scans are now labeled “stable” and “unremarkable.”

These are just two success stories among many. Despite these successes with medical Cannabis, the widespread acceptance and legalization is still hindered by unconscious bias and stigma.
Just think about it. What image comes to mind when you think about seeing someone smoking a joint? Do you think “stoner” or “pothead”? Does the image of someone sinking into their couch come to mind? Or….. are they sick people taking their medicine?

Overcoming the unconscious bias you may have about Cannabis is a first step. In this country, we were all primed with the “War on Drugs” and the commercials like “This is your brain on drugs” with the broken egg in the skillet.

Of course, there is an unconscious bias towards Cannabis.

Of course, you experience it.

Of course, I experience it. Even as a medical patient


Cannabis was lumped in with all of those other substances, and not understood for the powerful plant medicine that it is. The whys and hows of Cannabis being treated the same as dangerous drugs, and the history of Cannabis in the US is for another time. The history is rife with racism, suffice to say.

These stereotypes of potheads, stoners, and couch lock not only perpetuate a negative image but also undermine the legitimate medical benefits that many individuals receive from Cannabis. We have to redefine the narrative, portraying Cannabis users as diverse individuals with a variety of backgrounds, professions, and lifestyles.


Normalization Is The First Step To Overcoming Our Unconscious Bias

Representation is another powerful tool in dismantling stereotypes. By sharing our personal experiences and stories, we contribute to a more accurate and inclusive portrayal of medical Cannabis consumers.

Every story we share about a medical Cannabis patient adds another layer of humanity. We add another face to the conversation to dispel the one-dimensional caricatures that have continued to dominate public perception and reinforce unconscious bias.

We must speak up, sharing our stories and showing the vast spectrum of individuals who find relief and healing with medical Cannabis. Using Cannabis as a medicine is normal. As we share our stories, we begin to destigmatize through our open dialogue and the way that we challenge preconceived notions. We begin with our inner circles, our families, and friends. Having candid conversations about the positive impact of medical Cannabis allows us to break down barriers and foster understanding.

It is essential to talk openly about how Cannabis helps us, what it means to our health personally and how it has positively affected our lives. We must be vocal advocates beyond that inner circle, extending to doctors, nurses and strangers alike.

By actively seeking conversations about medical Cannabis, we become catalysts for change. We can use our voices to transform biased perspectives into informed opinions. Armed with facts and personal stories, we can aid in dismantling stereotypes. It is crucial to recognize that medical Cannabis is not about seeking a "high" but rather about finding relief and improving the quality of life for individuals facing various health challenges.

To truly bring the power of medical Cannabis to all, the journey toward acceptance begins with us. When we break our silence, embrace openness and arm ourselves with knowledge, we can pave the way for a future where medical Cannabis is not only recognized but celebrated.

Let us be the advocates who dismantle bias and stigma, tell our stories, and create an environment where the benefits of medical Cannabis are universally acknowledged and the life-giving properties of this plant are truly accessible to all.



1. Crossney, Josh; “A Tribute to the Life and Legacy of Charlotte Figi.” Cannabis Science Tech, MJH Life Sciences, 22 June 2020,

2. O’Brien, Jay Jay. “Waging a New War: My Cancer Manifesto with Stage 4 Lung Cancer.” Waging a New War: My Cancer Manifesto with Stage 4 Lung Cancer, Effective Cannabis Newsletter, 6 June 2023,


About Alex Mitchell:

Alex Mitchell is an Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach, educator, as well as a Cannabis medical patient. She works with people who are seeking deep change in their lives, whether that is through the use of plant medicine or other change work techniques.

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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