
You’ve Got Cancer!

advocacy appetite cancer caregiver cbd pain thc Jun 06, 2023
various cancer ribbons in different color and cannabis leaves

By John Malanca Cannabis Advocate and Educator


When hearing these 3 words, your world immediately stops. Life as you know it comes to a screeching halt.

Then the questions start flowing. In most cases, many ask how did this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? Are you sure? What can we do?


Here Is How We Addressed Cannabis And Cancer

My wife Corinne and I started our company in 2010 in response to a cancer diagnosis. Corinne’s family enjoyed longevity, as her grandparents were still alive in their late 90s. They had been together since their teens, so naturally, we thought this was their family’s future.

Then tragedy struck. Her father was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer that same year, which had metastasized to his brain. He tried a round of conventional treatment but found it impossible to tolerate. He lost everything from his hair, strength, appetite, dignity and even his breath. He was on full-time oxygen and living his last days in bed with family and hospice by his side.


Unfortunately, We Learned That Cancer Doesn’t Discriminate

Corinne and I went into “panicked education mode” as we put it, trying to find a CURE. We read and wanted to try anything and everything. One study that shocked us stated 60% of cancer patients pass from malnutrition before cancer fully takes over. I thought that tidbit of information might be significant. I was right…

That day came a few days later when, although at that time, I was just the boyfriend, I asked my future in-laws if I could attend his oncology appointment and the response was, “Of course”.

I asked the oncologist, “How much time does he have?” The doctor, who was quite surprised, shared that it was only weeks. Through my tears, I asked again, “What can we do?” The doctor offered morphine, but my father-in-law wasn’t in pain.

However, I remembered he wasn’t eating and was starting to waste away. In 2010, medical cannabis was being discussed everywhere, especially in California where we lived. Being the boyfriend, I sheepishly asked, “May we try Cannabis to increase his appetite, so he doesn't go further into the wasting stages?” At that time, I knew nothing about ‘medical’ Cannabis except what most every college student knew. Cannabis would always bring on the munchies! The doctor stated she knew nothing about Cannabis but would give us the green light and said you have weeks, good luck.


Within 24 hours, he started eating… it worked!

He could pass peacefully. We would call daily, asking if he made it through the night. Imagine our joy when he went from 24/7 oxygen and in days he was out of bed shuffling around without his oxygen. Fast forward 6 months, hospice fired him as a patient since he was traveling, driving, and enjoying life again. At the 9-month mark and to our jubilation and surprise, the scans came back with NO Evidence of Recurrent Disease! Life was fabulous…


As We Researched Cannabis, We Learned To Our Surprise

Cannabis had been used as a medicine in this country legally until 1937. The studies showed all that this plant had to offer. One being that THC kills cancer cells.

We knew we weren’t the only families going through something like this, so we launched a company to share information, studies, trials, and facts about this plant. We put on conferences educating doctors, nurses, and even our government, both local and federal, about the benefits of Cannabis. Our company and helping others became our passion! 


Then Came The Unimaginable

In 2017, our life was rocked again…The love of my life, my best friend, my business partner and my soulmate, my wife Corinne Malanca, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. We were the ones asking the questions. How? What? Why?


Panic Education Set In Again

My only goal was to save my wife. Being a caregiver was easy for me, our love was strong and true. Doctor appointments, food, supplements, sunlight, fresh air, love, and special comfort in the form of foot massages and positivity were ongoing. I would be up at least 6 times a night, getting her pain under control, mostly with Cannabis and other non-FDA-approved options.

We discussed these options with our doctors and had their support. We started Cannabis and after the success her father had, we were hopeful.

Hope is so important to those fighting serious health issues and we were fighting for Corinne’s life. Unfortunately, a cure was not to be, and my beautiful wife lost her battle with Pancreatic Cancer on October 18, 2017. She was 55 years old. I continue our work in Cannabis Medicine. In doing so I have learned a number of things.


Should You Or Someone You Know Get A Cancer Diagnosis, Ask Your Doctor What He Or She Thinks About Using Cannabis

I feel cancer patients should use Cannabis or have the option to use it. Ask your doctor if he/she would be open to it. It’s not illegal to ask as this is about you or your loved one’s health. If your doctor is not open to this, ask if they can recommend another doctor or you may research a Cannabis-educated physician that can write a recommendation for Cannabis as well as guide you. Remember this conversation is so important because Cannabis can be used in conjunction with cancer treatment and has anti-cancer properties. Educate your oncologist!

Secondly, be the expert for your loved one going through this. Visit United Patients Group and read about Cannabis and cancer, THC and cancer, CBD and cancer as well as educating yourself on the human Endocannabinoid system.

Finally, caregiving is supportive. Not only at home with all the beautiful moments and care you can give but in advocating for Cannabis use with the medical team.

Cannabis is not a one size fits all type of medicine, journaling is very important in finding what works best for you. Time of day, appetite, pain relief, dosage, sleep, and mood are all part of your loved one’s healing process. Even when attending doctor’s appointments, take notes, or record the visit if you need to, there is a lot going on.

One tip that I’d like to share is to request a handicapped placard, this was a lifesaver.

As a caregiver, remember to take care of yourself, so you can be the best caregiver you can be for your loved one.

I wish you well on your journey. Life is unpredictable and scary but can be beautiful and precious.

Take the leap, enjoy every day and know you are not alone.


About John Malanca:

John is the founder of United Patients Group (UPG). UPG is a resource and trusted leader in Medical Cannabis for physicians, pharmacists, patients and organizations. UPG acts as a virtual hand for patients by helping them navigate through this ever-changing industry.

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter is a platform to educate on the vital role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in one's health. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information contained in or available through this newsletter is for general information purposes only. It is not medical advice; it is health awareness.

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