
Cannabis and the DSM: Differentiating Dependence from Addiction addiction dependence harm reduction Jan 06, 2025


By William Brown, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist


We often hear the terms dependence and addiction when people talk about Cannabis use. But these words often come with preconceived notions that can cloud our understanding. Misconceptions can muddy the waters for those seeking to understand Cannabis as medicine. This article looks closely at the scientific definitions, their relevance ...

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Prescription vs Cannabis: A Veterans Choice addiction advocacy cannabinoid receptors cbd chronic pain depression ecs entourage effect opioids ptsd sleep thc traumatic brain injury (tbi) Oct 30, 2024


Hemp for Victory presents Prescriptions vs Cannabis: A Veterans Choice. Virtual panel discussion.

Shared with the generous permission of Hemp for Victory. 

Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some listeners. Please take care while listening if these topics ar...
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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Doctor Who Used Cannabis for His Alcoholism, Anxiety & Gambling Addiction
Doctor Who Used Cannabis for His Alcoholism, Anxiety & Gambling Addiction addiction alcohol cessation anxiety Jun 02, 2024

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in March of 2023.


In this episode, Dr. James Stweart shares that he was drinking a lot, gambling, and taking pharmaceuticals for his severe anxiety, but nothing was helping until he tried Cannabis. When he took Cannabis his anxiety ...

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Auriculotherapy Protocol and Cannabis for Addiction? addiction endocannabinoid system (ecs) harm reduction Sep 07, 2023

By Kyona, Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and Cannabis Educator

The ear is a microsystem of the body. There are over 200 auricular points on the surface of the ears that send messages from the brain through nerve pathways to the corresponding area(s) of imbalance to promote healing. Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of specific points on the ear with acupuncture needles, or less inva...

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