
From Postpartum Struggles to Cannabis Advocate: A Journey of Healing advocacy alcohol cessation anxiety postpartum depression stigma Mar 03, 2025


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by Ian Jessop

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired on August 21, 2024.

In this powerful episode, you will hear the inspiring story of Monica Olano, a mother from New Orleans whose life took an unexpected turn after the traumatic birth of her twins. Struggling with severe postpartum depression and an...

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Military Vet's Severe PTSD Helped by Cannabis alcohol cessation anxiety blood pressure depression ecs ptsd sleep stigma thc Oct 30, 2024



Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in August of 2017.

Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some listeners. Please take care while ...
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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Doctor Who Used Cannabis for His Alcoholism, Anxiety & Gambling Addiction
Doctor Who Used Cannabis for His Alcoholism, Anxiety & Gambling Addiction addiction alcohol cessation anxiety Jun 02, 2024

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in March of 2023.


In this episode, Dr. James Stweart shares that he was drinking a lot, gambling, and taking pharmaceuticals for his severe anxiety, but nothing was helping until he tried Cannabis. When he took Cannabis his anxiety ...

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Empowering Wellness: Navigating Medical Cannabis in Harm Reduction alcohol cessation anxiety cannabinoids cbd harm reduction nausea opioid cessation pain receptors sleep thc Sep 03, 2023

Hosted By: Debi Wimberley - Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter with Guest Yakima Palmer, an MSNM, RHIA, CPC, Certified Cannabis Educator and Coach

Listen in as two experienced medical Cannabis Educators discuss the never-ending impact of substance use, both prescribed and illicit. They reveal how cannabinoid therapies are an effective treatment to assist in harm reduction. 

This dis...

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Angie Lickliter Tamed "Gut Monster" Crohn's Disease with CBD alcohol cessation anxiety autoimmune disease cbd cbg crohn's depression ibd inflammation opioid cessation pain sleep video Apr 06, 2023

Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Angie Lickliter  



In this video, Angie Lickliter shares her experience of success through CBD after struggling with Crohn's Disease for 25 years, which she affectionately calls her "Gut Monster". During her conversation with Michelle, Angie explains the workings of CBD in the body and emphasizes the importance of nutrition, ...

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A Story About Hope, Discovery, Cannabis and Stage Four Lung Cancer alcohol cessation cancer cigarette cessation feco pain rso video Feb 10, 2023


Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Jay Jay O'Brien



There are countless inspiring stories out there of individuals overcoming illness and achieving better health. Michelle introduces us to Jay Jay O'Brien, a cancer patient, and Cannabis Coaching colleague, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer) but managed to vastly improve ...

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