
Empowered from Within: The Role of Cannabis Suppositories in Women's Health anxiety cancer cannabinoids cbd chronic pain endocannabinoid system (ecs) endometriosis entourage effect flavonoids inflammation linalool menopause menstrual cramps migraines myrcene pain stress suppositories terpenes thc Mar 04, 2025


By Jay Jay O’Brien C.H. ACCE Certified Cannabis Health Coach & Educator


The Feminine Flow

From menstruation to menopause, women spend their lives managing hormonal fluctuations, enduring pain, battling inflammation, and adapting to the physical and emotional toll that comes with each stage.
From cramps and migraines to mood swings and hot flashes, Mother Nature has offered women a lifetime ...

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Taking Back Control: Women’s Health and the Endocannabinoid System anxiety autoimmune disease cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg chronic pain complex regional pain syndrome (crps) copd depression ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) endocannabinoids endometriosis fibromyalgia inflammation lupus mac lung disease menopause opioids phytocannabinoids pms seizure sleep stress suicide thc thca Mar 02, 2025


By Debi Wimberley, Certified Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter 


Hey there, let’s talk about something real!

How many times have you walked into a doctor’s office, explained what’s going on with your body, and then left, feeling unheard? Like your symptoms were brushed off, your concerns dismissed, and you were handed a prescription and matter of factly told...

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From Hospice to Healing: A Breast Cancer Survivor's Remarkable Journey breast cancer cannabis oil chronic pain hospice Feb 03, 2025


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired on November 13, 2024

In December 2023, Charity Kelchen of Iowa was given only weeks to live, facing the devastating reality of stage 4 triple-negative breast cancer, compounded by a painful, fungating tumor. Placed on hospice care...

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Cannabis Helped My Crohn's Disease and Improved My Quality of Life Tremendously! anxiety cbd cbn chronic pain crohn's depression inflammation muscle spasms stigma testimonial thc Jan 04, 2025

Submitted by Sandy D. from New Jersey

I am 44 years old from New Jersey. I have been dealing with Crohn's disease since I was in my late 20s.


The challenges I was facing

Were chronic pain and flares with stomach spasms and joint pain with anxiety and depression. Causing me to feel lonely, a burden, and isolated.


I was on a lot of different prescription medications

With side effects such...

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Prescription vs Cannabis: A Veterans Choice addiction advocacy cannabinoid receptors cbd chronic pain depression ecs entourage effect opioids ptsd sleep thc traumatic brain injury (tbi) Oct 30, 2024


Hemp for Victory presents Prescriptions vs Cannabis: A Veterans Choice. Virtual panel discussion.

Shared with the generous permission of Hemp for Victory. 

Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some listeners. Please take care while listening if these topics ar...
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Matthew Butt Supporting Veterans Through Cannabis Care anxiety cannabinoids cbd cbg cbn chronic pain opioid cessation opioids panic ptsd sleep suicide thc tolerance break traumatic brain injury (tbi) Oct 30, 2024



Let's Talk Cannabis Podcast Hosted by: Sherry Bennett and Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Barb Mainville 

Shared with the generous permission of Let's Talk Cannabis. This episode originally aired in December of 2022.


Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some l...
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Insights From The iCount Veterans Cannabis Research Study advocacy anxiety arthritis cannabinoids chronic pain depression harm reduction insomnia muscle spasms opioids ptsd sleep Oct 30, 2024


Research Led By The Cannabis Center of Excellence 


Cannabis research studies led by the Cannabis Center of Excellence span from public health impact to education to reduce substance abuse and more. The CCOE is involved in educational programs for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public. These programs disseminate research findings and provide evidence-based information on Can...

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I was Bedbound Before Cannabis Helped Me Manage the Symptoms of My Complex Physical Health Needs anxiety arthritis asthma chronic pain covid depression fibromyalgia nausea stigma suicide testimonial Jul 01, 2024

Submitted by Berta K. from London, England

I am 36 years old, living in London, England, and I've been managing my complex health since age 22.


Seven Diagnoses & 40+ Symptoms

I face multiple challenges, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, hemianesthesia (loss of sensitivity on the left side), bilateral sciatica, chronic pain from Morton's neuroma, and a syrinx on my spine (fluid-filled cyst) ...

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