
Angie Lickliter Tamed "Gut Monster" Crohn's Disease with CBD alcohol cessation anxiety autoimmune disease cbd cbg crohn's depression ibd inflammation opioid cessation pain sleep video Apr 06, 2023

Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Angie Lickliter  



In this video, Angie Lickliter shares her experience of success through CBD after struggling with Crohn's Disease for 25 years, which she affectionately calls her "Gut Monster". During her conversation with Michelle, Angie explains the workings of CBD in the body and emphasizes the importance of nutrition, ...

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THC May Help To Reduce Damage In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) appetite cb1 cb2 crohn's depression ecs ibd inflammation nausea pain sleep thc Apr 06, 2023

By Arielle Gerard, MD, MS, MPH


What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)  is a condition in which areas of your gastrointestinal (GI) system become chronically inflamed. Ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease (CD), collagenous colitis, and lymphocytic colitis are types of IBD, with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease being “classic” forms.

Ulcerative col...

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Bridging the Gap: Cannabis Helps Nurse Improve Colitis crohn's ibd inflammation pain vaporization Apr 06, 2023

By Marisa Fratoni, BSN-RN

This blog originally appeared on the Holistic Nurse Mama blog and is being shared with their permission.


An Overview of Irritable Bowel Disease

Crohn’s disease and colitis are chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. These diseases can be lumped into the category of irritable bowel disease (IBD). It is estimated that 1.6 million Americans strug...

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