
Empowered from Within: The Role of Cannabis Suppositories in Women's Health anxiety cancer cannabinoids cbd chronic pain endocannabinoid system (ecs) endometriosis entourage effect flavonoids inflammation linalool menopause menstrual cramps migraines myrcene pain stress suppositories terpenes thc Mar 04, 2025


By Jay Jay O’Brien C.H. ACCE Certified Cannabis Health Coach & Educator


The Feminine Flow

From menstruation to menopause, women spend their lives managing hormonal fluctuations, enduring pain, battling inflammation, and adapting to the physical and emotional toll that comes with each stage.
From cramps and migraines to mood swings and hot flashes, Mother Nature has offered women a lifetime ...

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Rethinking Wellness: Unlocking the Power of the ECS and Cannabinoid Science anxiety cancer cbd cbg ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) harm reduction inflammation menopause pain seizure self-care sleep stigma thc tolerance break Mar 03, 2025


Host: Debi Wimberley- Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter

Guest: Miyabe Shields, Ph.D and Riley D. Kirk, Ph.D


What You’ll Learn from This Conversation: This conversation dives into the crucial role of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in maintaining health, why it remains overlooked in modern medicine, and how scientific advancements are uncovering its potential. Scientists Miya...

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Taking Back Control: Women’s Health and the Endocannabinoid System anxiety autoimmune disease cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg chronic pain complex regional pain syndrome (crps) copd depression ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) endocannabinoids endometriosis fibromyalgia inflammation lupus mac lung disease menopause opioids phytocannabinoids pms seizure sleep stress suicide thc thca Mar 02, 2025


By Debi Wimberley, Certified Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter 


Hey there, let’s talk about something real!

How many times have you walked into a doctor’s office, explained what’s going on with your body, and then left, feeling unheard? Like your symptoms were brushed off, your concerns dismissed, and you were handed a prescription and matter of factly told...

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Cannabis Helped My Crohn's Disease and Improved My Quality of Life Tremendously! anxiety cbd cbn chronic pain crohn's depression inflammation muscle spasms stigma testimonial thc Jan 04, 2025

Submitted by Sandy D. from New Jersey

I am 44 years old from New Jersey. I have been dealing with Crohn's disease since I was in my late 20s.


The challenges I was facing

Were chronic pain and flares with stomach spasms and joint pain with anxiety and depression. Causing me to feel lonely, a burden, and isolated.


I was on a lot of different prescription medications

With side effects such...

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Fabian Henry: Medical Cannabis for Veterans with PTSD advocacy anxiety cannabis oil cbd depression ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) entourage effect inflammation ptsd sleep thc thca traumatic brain injury (tbi) Oct 30, 2024


Let's Talk Cannabis Podcast Hosted by: Sherry Bennett and Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Barb Mainville 

Shared with the generous permission of Let's Talk Cannabis. This episode originally aired in January of 2023.


Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some list...
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THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN: What’s the difference? What are health benefits of each? appetite cannabinoids cbd homeostasis inflammation thc Sep 27, 2024



Hosted by Karli Miller-Hornick, co-founder and CEO of Head & Heal, a CBD producer and hemp cultivator in Cortland, New York 

Shared with the generous permission of The Post Standard. This episode originally aired in October 2021.


Cannabis, also known as hemp, has a long history of human use. But lately, the buzz around this plant — and the cannabinoids within it — has in...

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Cannabis Helped Me FULLY Recover From Long Covid anxiety cbd cbg covid depression feco inflammation migraines nausea pain sleep stigma testimonial thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Tasha J. from Phoenix, Arizona

41 now, was 39 at the time. I live in Phoenix, AZ, using Cannabis for pain, sleep, anxiety, and rebalancing my ECS for four years.


The challenges I was facing

The inability to eat and drink due to nausea and inflammation caused me to feel anxiety and depression due to my worsening condition from having Long Covid.


There was nothing that could h...

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Empowering Solutions: Cannabis Tackles Autism and Neurological Challenges advocacy autism beta-caryophyllene cbn inflammation linalool myrcene neurological pain sleep thca May 06, 2024

 Host: Debi Wimberley - Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter with Guest Janna Champagne BCMH, DMCS, BSN, RN (RET)


In this episode, join us for an insightful conversation with Janna Champagne, this month's Effective Cannabis Newsletter Guest Editor, as we delve into the benefits of medical Cannabis and its applications in treating neurological conditions.

The conversation underscore...

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Cannabis for Autism Harm Reduction advocacy autism inflammation neurological May 06, 2024

By Dr. Janna Champagne, BCMH, DMCS, BSN, RN (RET)


Tens of thousands of parents in the US choose to administer Cannabis to their child with autism, a seemingly risky prospect considering the complex legalities of medical Cannabis and potential scrutiny by punitive regulations. I’m one of those parents using Cannabis to treat my daughter with autism, and I can personally vouch for the angst and ...

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How Cannabis Helped Manage My Herniated Disks: A Personal Journey cannabinoids cbd cbn ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) inflammation neurological pain thc May 06, 2024

By Angel Johansen Certified Cannabis Educator


My journey with a herniated disk was not just a physical trial but also a profound test of resilience. The pain was relentless, affecting every aspect of my life. It robbed me of the simple joys of playing with my granddaughter and participating in exercise and social activities. We even went through three mattresses, searching for one to ease my d...

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Cannabis for Autoimmune Lupus & Joint Pain anxiety autoimmune disease beta-caryophyllene cbd cbg cbn inflammation lupus pain testimonial thca Apr 01, 2024


I'm a 49-year-old professor, herbalist, and retired nurse residing in Southern Oregon. In 2012, after suffering a complex health collapse, my list of diagnoses included autoimmune Lupus. My symptoms of Lupus included chronic renal failure, fatigue, brain fog, with joint inflammation and pain.


My ability to function was severely impaired due to the severity of my symptoms

In 2013 my physici...

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Throwing a Bone to Cancer Pain cancer cannabinoid receptors cb1 cb2 ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) inflammation opioid cessation thc vaporization Mar 30, 2024

By Jay Jay O'Brien Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


The knives pincushioning my lower back and spine tickled in comparison to the twisting of the sword wedged between my ribcage. Piercing pain spread throughout my crippled legs, hips, lower back, and spine as every breath tightened like a vice squeezing the air out of my cancer-stricken lungs.

The task of taking a step tormented...

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