
Taking Back Control: Women’s Health and the Endocannabinoid System anxiety autoimmune disease cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg chronic pain complex regional pain syndrome (crps) copd depression ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) endocannabinoids endometriosis fibromyalgia inflammation lupus mac lung disease menopause opioids phytocannabinoids pms seizure sleep stress suicide thc thca Mar 02, 2025


By Debi Wimberley, Certified Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter 


Hey there, let’s talk about something real!

How many times have you walked into a doctor’s office, explained what’s going on with your body, and then left, feeling unheard? Like your symptoms were brushed off, your concerns dismissed, and you were handed a prescription and matter of factly told...

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Cannabis for Autoimmune Lupus & Joint Pain anxiety autoimmune disease beta-caryophyllene cbd cbg cbn inflammation lupus pain testimonial thca Apr 01, 2024


I'm a 49-year-old professor, herbalist, and retired nurse residing in Southern Oregon. In 2012, after suffering a complex health collapse, my list of diagnoses included autoimmune Lupus. My symptoms of Lupus included chronic renal failure, fatigue, brain fog, with joint inflammation and pain.


My ability to function was severely impaired due to the severity of my symptoms

In 2013 my physici...

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