Submitted by Sandy D. from New Jersey
I am 44 years old from New Jersey. I have been dealing with Crohn's disease since I was in my late 20s.
The challenges I was facing
Were chronic pain and flares with stomach spasms and joint pain with anxiety and depression. Causing me to feel lonely, a burden, and isolated.
I was on a lot of different prescription medications
With side effects such...
Research Led By The Cannabis Center of ExcellenceÂ
Cannabis research studies led by the Cannabis Center of Excellence span from public health impact to education to reduce substance abuse and more. The CCOE is involved in educational programs for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public. These programs disseminate research findings and provide evidence-based information on Can...
Submitted by Angel J. from Utah
I am 51 years old from Utah. I had been dealing with nerve pain from my herniated discs touching my sciatic nerve for 9 years.
The challenges I was facing were constant pain shooting down my left leg and muscle spasms
At any given time of the day, that would tense and freeze my muscles from my calf and shin down to my Achilles tendon and feet. That Caused m...
By Curt Dalton - Editor at
Because the primary method of consumption for marijuana is through smoking, it may seem like an unlikely candidate when for the treatment of asthma or any other respiratory condition for that matter. But our favorite plant CAN help those who suffer from asthma - another one on the long list of conditions that cannabis can help you with.
Asthma is a cond...
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