
I was Bedbound Before Cannabis Helped Me Manage the Symptoms of My Complex Physical Health Needs anxiety arthritis asthma chronic pain covid depression fibromyalgia nausea stigma suicide testimonial Jul 01, 2024

Submitted by Berta K. from London, England

I am 36 years old, living in London, England, and I've been managing my complex health since age 22.


Seven Diagnoses & 40+ Symptoms

I face multiple challenges, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, hemianesthesia (loss of sensitivity on the left side), bilateral sciatica, chronic pain from Morton's neuroma, and a syrinx on my spine (fluid-filled cyst) ...

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Cannabis Helped Me FULLY Recover From Long Covid anxiety cbd cbg covid depression feco inflammation migraines nausea pain sleep stigma testimonial thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Tasha J. from Phoenix, Arizona

41 now, was 39 at the time. I live in Phoenix, AZ, using Cannabis for pain, sleep, anxiety, and rebalancing my ECS for four years.


The challenges I was facing

The inability to eat and drink due to nausea and inflammation caused me to feel anxiety and depression due to my worsening condition from having Long Covid.


There was nothing that could h...

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Empowering Wellness: Navigating Medical Cannabis in Harm Reduction alcohol cessation anxiety cannabinoids cbd harm reduction nausea opioid cessation pain receptors sleep thc Sep 03, 2023

Hosted By: Debi Wimberley - Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter with Guest Yakima Palmer, an MSNM, RHIA, CPC, Certified Cannabis Educator and Coach

Listen in as two experienced medical Cannabis Educators discuss the never-ending impact of substance use, both prescribed and illicit. They reveal how cannabinoid therapies are an effective treatment to assist in harm reduction. 

This dis...

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Medical Cannabis: Can It Be A Protective Approach to Acute Illnesses? cbd cbda cbg cbga ecn team endocannabinoid system (ecs) fibromyalgia ibs inflammation nausea pain pms thc thca Aug 09, 2023

By J’Ne Clapper Certified Medical Cannabis Wellness Advisor


Medical Cannabis is finally gaining some traction as a treatment option for many chronic illnesses, including (but definitely not limited to) inflammation/ pain (1), mental health disorders (2) (PTSD, C-PTSD, anxiety/ depression, etc.), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (3), Fibromyalgia (4), and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (5). Just in the ...

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Booming Epidemic: Cancer Risks and Cannabis Solutions for Seniors appetite cancer nausea Jul 06, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the average age of individuals diagnosed with cancer is 66 years old. That means that about half of all cancer cases diagnosed are in people 66 years of age or older, and the risk continues to increase with age. (1) (2)

There is already a great risk. The statistics state that 1 i...

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Cancer & The Green appetite cancer mrs. green nausea pain Jun 06, 2023

By Joyce McNeely aka "Mrs. Green" - Cannabis Educator


Hello and welcome to Mrs. Green’s Q&A. I take Cannabis questions from curious folks like you and answer them. Starting out on my own Cannabis journey, I had a lot of questions. I hope that answering some of your most burning questions here will help you along your journey as well. Come along! Let’s get started!

A couple of questions came i...

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THC May Help To Reduce Damage In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) appetite cb1 cb2 crohn's depression ecs ibd inflammation nausea pain sleep thc Apr 06, 2023

By Arielle Gerard, MD, MS, MPH


What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)  is a condition in which areas of your gastrointestinal (GI) system become chronically inflamed. Ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease (CD), collagenous colitis, and lymphocytic colitis are types of IBD, with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease being “classic” forms.

Ulcerative col...

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