Submitted by Otha S. from Annapolis, Maryland
I am 43 years old, from Annapolis, Maryland. I was suffering from a head injury, anxiety, and back pain for 16 years.
In 2006, I was involved in a serious car accident that nearly took my life
I fell asleep at the wheel and was ejected from the car, landing on my head and upper back. I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result and was l...
Let's Talk Cannabis Podcast Hosted by: Sherry Bennett and Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Barb Mainville
Shared with the generous permission of Let's Talk Cannabis. This episode originally aired in December of 2022.
Trigger Warning: This episode includes discussions around PTSD, trauma, suicide, and the challenges with pain management and mental health, which may be distressing for some l...
By Jay Jay O'Brien Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator
The knives pincushioning my lower back and spine tickled in comparison to the twisting of the sword wedged between my ribcage. Piercing pain spread throughout my crippled legs, hips, lower back, and spine as every breath tightened like a vice squeezing the air out of my cancer-stricken lungs.
The task of taking a step tormented...
By Dr. Demetria Bates, DNP, FNP-BC, CCE, and Health Coach
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal hemoglobin in the red blood cells when oxygen levels are low, causing the normally flexible round red blood cells to become rigid and adopt a sickle or crescent shape (Mangla et al., 2023). SCD significantly affects African Americans with research sho...
This article is shared with the permission of Dr. Peter Grinspoon.
The phenomenon of being “Cali sober” is taking the recovery world by storm. It is defined as dedicating oneself to a life free of drugs and alcohol — except for cannabis and other psychedelics. (Though many consumers don’t think of cannabis as a psychedelic, policy experts often consider it one because of its effects.) (1)

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland
Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in April 2022.
In this episode, Over the course of his life, Sam Smith from Illinois has had 14 back surgeries—the first occurring when he was in high school. Subsequent work-related back issues resulted in a series of surgeries bet...
Hosted By: Debi Wimberley - Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter with Guest Yakima Palmer, an MSNM, RHIA, CPC, Certified Cannabis Educator and Coach
Listen in as two experienced medical Cannabis Educators discuss the never-ending impact of substance use, both prescribed and illicit. They reveal how cannabinoid therapies are an effective treatment to assist in harm reduction.
This dis...
This article was shared courtesy of United Patients Group
The medical benefits of cannabis have been known to humanity for a long time now. Using cannabis compounds for medicinal purposes becomes more and more popular as the laws and society awareness changes.
Because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, due to lockdowns and stress, many people started suffering from all kinds of mental illnesses. ...
Submitted by Debi W. from Arizona
Here it is, 2023. At 65 years old, living in Arizona. I have been living with Asthma, Thalassemia Minor all my life, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia, for over three decades, CRPS, and COPD, for 28 years, and Mac Lung Disease for seven years. I am happy to report that since I started utilizing cannabinoid therapies in 2016, I have not accumulated any new medic...
Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Angie Lickliter
In this video, Angie Lickliter shares her experience of success through CBD after struggling with Crohn's Disease for 25 years, which she affectionately calls her "Gut Monster". During her conversation with Michelle, Angie explains the workings of CBD in the body and emphasizes the importance of nutrition, ...
By Debi Wimberley, Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Is Cannabis giving my lungs life? Never could I have imagined, nor did I think, it was possible, and definitely not with my diagnosis. I was living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (1) and Mac Lung Disease (2), which made me struggle for every breath with zero quality of life.
To breathe no...
Discussing research about Cannabis and pain. Can cannabis help reduce opiate use and help fight the opioid epidemic? Can Cannabis improve physical health and provide a better quality of life?
Thank you for joining me and helping educate your friends, family, and colleagues. We are here to solve the misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding medical cannabis.
The scientific evidence...
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