
Dying for Cannabis Change: A Nurse’s Fight for Compassionate Care advocacy hospice opioids pain thc tincture Feb 04, 2025


By Marcie Cooper MSN, RN, AHN-BC, HWNC-BC, ADS, GHNA, Sacred Passage Doula and Conscious Dying Coach


Hello 2025. I can’t believe we haven’t made more progress than this. I’ve been a hospice nurse since 2007 and a Cannabis nurse since 2011. A decade ago, in 2014, I sent an email to representatives in my home state of Tennessee, advocating for medical Cannabis. I recently found that email whi...

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CBD and THC Helped Me with Chronic Pain and Anxiety In Ways Other Treatments Could Not! cbd depression insomnia pain stigma stress testimonial thc tincture Feb 06, 2024

Submitted by Lamont T. from Richmond, Virginia


I am a 49-year-old retired Army combat veteran. I am from Richmond, Virginia and I have been dealing with chronic pain for over twenty years.

December 2004 while serving in Iraq, I was in a military vehicle accident involving a M984 HEMTT WRECKER in which the driver hit an embankment. Luckily, I was wearing my Kevlar and vest when I was thrown in...

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My Top 5 Self-Care Modalities for Acute Care cannabinoids cbd cbda endocannabinoid system (ecs) self-care thc tincture vaporization Aug 07, 2023

By Kyona,  Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, and Cannabis Educator


Ayurveda is an ancient, complete system of holistic medicine that addresses all aspects of health. It teaches us to pay attention to our (whole)selves, respect nature, and appreciate all qualities of life.

I am a self-care facilitator. I see the world through an Ayurvedic lens, always looking to define the qualities ...

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Is There Enough Evidence to Support The Use Of CBD/Cannabis For Acute Illness? asthma cannabinoids cb1 cbd cbg edibles endocannabinoids inflammation tincture Aug 04, 2023

By: Shoshana Church, MPAS, PA-C, Certified Cannabis Educator, Coach and Aromatherapist 


Examples of Acute Illnesses

Most of us have experienced a wide range of acute illnesses during our lifetime. From ear infections to sore throats, or asthma flare-ups, we've all been there. While most cases of sore throats are caused by viruses, with strep being the exception, it's often recommended to wait...

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