
Carrying Hope: A Message for Those Fighting Brain and Aggressive Cancers advocacy anxiety cancer cbc depression stigma thc Mar 11, 2023

By Jay Jay O’Brien - Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator


My spouse lost a friend to a Glioblastoma multiforme about 2 years ago. Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most common, aggressive, and deadly forms of brain cancer. 

They were committed to the treatment and to the prognosis offered by their doctors. 6-18 months was what was offered. At that point, all other options were discarded ...

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Alarming Headlines about Lung Health and Cannabis: Are They True? advocacy lungs stigma Feb 10, 2023

Alexandra Mitchell - Certified Cannabis Coach & Educator


Recently, headlines such as “Cannabis smokers more likely to develop emphysema than cigarette smokers”; “Is marijuana more harmful to your lungs than cigarettes? A study suggests it may be”.; and “Smoking marijuana can raise risk of lung disease, chest scans indicate” understandably alarmed many cannabis consumers. These headlines were r...

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Cannabis Advocacy is a Team Sport and There is Strength in Diversity advocacy Feb 10, 2023

By Amy Matthews - Co-Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter


Editorial piece by Effective Cannabis Newsletter co-founder Amy Matthews. Amy’s views and opinions are her own and she does not speak for every individual associated with the Effective Cannabis Newsletter.


Hello Dear Readers!

I am happy to have you with us in the Effective Cannabis Newsletter. We have been working hard to c...

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