
Top 5 Tips When Using CBD Oil For Alzheimer’s And Dementia brain cbd memory seniors Mar 11, 2023


By John Malanca Cannabis Educator and Founder of the United Patients Group


Medical studies published in the world’s top medical journals have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can be used to reduce the effects of cognitive decline caused by conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Extensive human trials are still needed to determine how effective CBD is at managing some of these co...

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Medical Cannabis for Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Eye-Opening Review als alzheimer's/dementia brain cbd huntington's disease memory multiple sclerosis (ms) neurodegenerative disease parkinson's disease Mar 11, 2023

By Arielle Gerard, MD, MS, MPH


What Are Neurodegenerative Diseases? 

Neurodegenerative diseases are those which result mainly from dysfunction of the central nervous system (the CNS, made up of the brain and spinal cord) as a result of damage to neurons, the primary cells of this system that communicate with each other to send signals throughout the brain and body. Damage to neurons of the CN...

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Dr. Thomas Henke, D.O. Discusses: Research on Cannabinoids & Cancer Treatments brain cancer video Mar 11, 2023



This is a video meant to speak to doctors and it includes captions that help the layperson understand.

We’ll be reviewing the evidence-based medical research on cannabinoids as a potential therapy of choice in modern neuro-oncology, their effects on tumor cells, the synergistic role they play in chemotherapy treatments, as well as their neuroprotective properties. We will also discuss one ...

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Cannabis Connecting The Dots: Nikki Lawley TBI Survivor's Story anxiety brain depression endocannabinoid system (ecs) traumatic brain injury (tbi) video Mar 11, 2023


Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Nikki Lawley 



Pain, hopelessness, and not feeling heard by her doctors are what Nikki went through after sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI) at work as a pediatric nurse.

A graduate of the D.A.R.E. program as a kid and a child of the "Just Say No" era, she never would have thought about Cannabis as a medicine. But w...

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Sound Bites Podcast: Cannabis & The Brain with Guest Janice Bissex anxiety brain cbd depression inflammation ptsd seizure thc Mar 11, 2023

Sound Bites Podcast: Episode 213 Hosted by: Melissa Joy Dobbins



Cannabis, Mental Health & Brain Health

Nearly twenty percent of adults (or 50 million) experienced a mental illness in 2019. One in four adults with a mental illness reports an unmet need for treatment, and this number has not declined since 2011. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in America affecting 42....

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