
My Multi-Cannabinoid "Bliss" Cookies Helped Keep Me Stable When I Quit Antidepressants for Good beta-caryophyllene candida cbd cbg depression mindfulness myrcene testimonial thc yoga May 04, 2023

Submitted by Michelle D. from Ontario, Canada


I am 47 years old and have been dealing with depression for over 20 years.


The constant negative thoughts…

It kept me stuck in my self-doubt and continued self-sabotage. I felt like a failure and worthless. The continued depression caused gut issues, including Candida and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). These...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Cannabis: A Life-Changing Solution for Misdiagnosed Crohn's Disease Sufferer
Cannabis: A Life-Changing Solution for Misdiagnosed Crohn's Disease Sufferer anxiety candida crohn's depression h. pylori podcast suppository Apr 06, 2023


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in March of 2021.


At the age of 17 Nikki Jackson of British Columbia, Canada, began developing extreme digestive issues and back pain. By the time she turned 20, she, was on 15 different pharmaceuticals for digestive...

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