
Clearing The Path to Radiant Skin: Harnessing The Power of Cannabis Topicals for Acne Treatment cannabinoid receptors cannabinoids cb1 cb2 cbc cbd cbg thcv topicals Oct 31, 2023

By Dr. Demetria Bates, DNP, FNP-BC, CCE, and Health Coach


Cannabis topicals are products infused with cannabinoids derived from the Cannabis plant, such as CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). These topicals are designed for external use that offer medicinal therapeutic properties of Cannabis without the intoxicating effects commonly associated with its consumption.

Cannabis topi...

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Cannabis for Seizure Control: Dr. David Bearman and Patient Insights cbc seizure thc Mar 11, 2023

Hosted by Kandice Hawes-Lopez - Cannabis Educator with guests Dr. David Bearman M.D. and William Britt 



The off-label use of the cannabis plant in treating seizures has been known since ancient times. After many years of patient testimonials, clinical trials, and research, in 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Epidiolex, a cannabidiol (CBD) oral solution for the treatme...

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Carrying Hope: A Message for Those Fighting Brain and Aggressive Cancers advocacy anxiety cancer cbc depression stigma thc Mar 11, 2023

By Jay Jay O’Brien - Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator


My spouse lost a friend to a Glioblastoma multiforme about 2 years ago. Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most common, aggressive, and deadly forms of brain cancer. 

They were committed to the treatment and to the prognosis offered by their doctors. 6-18 months was what was offered. At that point, all other options were discarded ...

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Cannabis & Chronic Pain: A Brief Overview of Chronic Pain & Ways In Which It May Be Managed alpha-pinene beta-caryophyllene cbc cbd cbda cbg cbn dose layering limonene linalool myrcene pain terpenes terpineol terpinolene thc thca Dec 28, 2022

PDF by Erik Bowen, Doctor of Pharmacy, and Illume Cannabis Wellness Founder


Click the image below to view a PDF presentation excerpted from a presentation by Dr. Bowen



Dr. Erik Bowen is a former pain management patient. He knows that Cannabis is a very misunderstood plant, partly because of the stigma/politics surrounding its use. THC is but ONE component of the plant, but is the one ...

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