
I was Bedbound Before Cannabis Helped Me Manage the Symptoms of My Complex Physical Health Needs anxiety arthritis asthma chronic pain covid depression fibromyalgia nausea stigma suicide testimonial Jul 01, 2024

Submitted by Berta K. from London, England

I am 36 years old, living in London, England, and I've been managing my complex health since age 22.


Seven Diagnoses & 40+ Symptoms

I face multiple challenges, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, hemianesthesia (loss of sensitivity on the left side), bilateral sciatica, chronic pain from Morton's neuroma, and a syrinx on my spine (fluid-filled cyst) ...

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Cannabis Helped Me FULLY Recover From Long Covid anxiety cbd cbg covid depression feco inflammation migraines nausea pain sleep stigma testimonial thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Tasha J. from Phoenix, Arizona

41 now, was 39 at the time. I live in Phoenix, AZ, using Cannabis for pain, sleep, anxiety, and rebalancing my ECS for four years.


The challenges I was facing

The inability to eat and drink due to nausea and inflammation caused me to feel anxiety and depression due to my worsening condition from having Long Covid.


There was nothing that could h...

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I Self-Identified as Anxious and Depressed advocacy anxiety cbd cbda cbg cbga covid depression ptsd stigma testimonial thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Alex M. from Seattle, WA

Maybe my life sounds familiar. I’m over 50. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety and PTSD for most of my life. I also had the whammy of postpartum depression.

Of course, I self-identified as anxious and depressed. I was triggered by all sorts of external realities.

But all that changed in 2020.


With the interruption in normal life that Covid-19 broug...

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My Experience with Cannabis as an Acute Treatment for Covid-19 Pandemic anxiety cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg cbga covid endocannabinoid system (ecs) thc thca Aug 08, 2023

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Cannabis can be used for so many health issues. It’s really an amazingly adaptive plant medicine. For me, that was so apparent during the pandemic. Not only was I using it to overcome anxiety and depression (1) but also for an acute need when I got Covid in early 2021.


Navigating Risks: Allowing Social Interaction for an Immuno-Comprom...

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