
Medical Cannabis Improved My Quality of Life in Ways that No Doctor Has Been Able to in Over Three Decades alpha-pinene beta-caryophyllene complex regional pain syndrome (crps) copd fibromyalgia humulene inflammation limonene linalool lungs mac lung disease myrcene opioid cessation pain testimonial Apr 13, 2023

Submitted by Debi W. from Arizona


Here it is, 2023. At 65 years old, living in Arizona. I have been living with Asthma, Thalassemia Minor all my life, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia, for over three decades, CRPS, and COPD, for 28 years, and Mac Lung Disease for seven years. I am happy to report that since I started utilizing cannabinoid therapies in 2016, I have not accumulated any new medic...

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Why Medical Patients Should Try Dry Herb Vaporizing lungs vaporization video Feb 12, 2023

By Michelle Crawford, Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator



A medical dry herb vaporizer is a device used to heat Cannabis flower or concentrates to a temperature where the active ingredients are released in a gas form, but below the point of combustion.

This allows for inhalation of the vaporized active ingredients with minimal smoke exposure. In this video Michelle discusses everythin...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years cancer lungs podcast Feb 10, 2023


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland


When David Price of New Brunswick, Canada was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 years ago, he refused chemo and radiation and began taking cannabis paste. In only 10 weeks, his lung cancer was gone and he has been cancer free ever since. Ian and Corrie first interviewed David 6 years ago, and in this interview, he gives them ...

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Can Cannabis Help Asthma? - THC a Bronchodilator asthma lungs thc video Feb 10, 2023

By Dr. Thomas Henke, D.O.


This is a video meant to speak to doctors and it includes captions that help the layperson understand. Dr. Henke is trying to bridge the gap to help patients communicate more effectively with their healthcare professionals.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways.

We’ll be discussing the potential therapeutic role of cannabis during asthma attack...

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Things to Consider When Buying Your First Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer lungs vaporization Feb 10, 2023

By Joyce Mcneely - Cannabis Educator            


Did you know one of the safest ways to consume any type of cannabis flower is with a dry herb vape? Yes, it’s true! 

I’ve helped several people navigate this process and it can be overwhelming at first. What do I get? Where do I get it? How much do I spend? What’s the difference between them? Which one will fit my lifestyle? How does this thin...

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Can Cannabis Treat Asthma? You May Be Surprised asthma inflammation lungs muscle spasms steroids Feb 10, 2023

By Curt Dalton - Editor at


Because the primary method of consumption for marijuana is through smoking, it may seem like an unlikely candidate when for the treatment of asthma or any other respiratory condition for that matter. But our favorite plant CAN help those who suffer from asthma - another one on the long list of conditions that cannabis can help you with.

Asthma is a cond...

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Cannabinoids and Terpenes: A Breakthrough for Lung Health? alpha-pinene asthma beta-caryophyllene humulene inflammation limonene linalool lungs terpenes vaporization Feb 10, 2023

By William Brown, Certified Cannabis Educator


Greetings All,

In this post, I'll supply a bit of background on a few compounds in Cannabis called cannabinoids and terpenes. This background will lay the foundation for supplying a better understanding of how these compounds can potentially benefit lung health, based on the available research.

With that being said, research surrounding cannabino...

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Cannabis ….Giving My Lungs Life asthma complex regional pain syndrome (crps) copd lungs mac lung disease mrsa opioid cessation pain pneumonia Feb 10, 2023

By Debi Wimberley, Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter


Is Cannabis giving my lungs life? Never could I have imagined, nor did I think, it was possible, and definitely not with my diagnosis. I was living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (1) and Mac Lung Disease (2), which made me struggle for every breath with zero quality of life. 

To breathe no...

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Dry Herb Vaporization for Healthy Lungs - Clearing the Air cancer cigarette cessation copd lungs vaporization Feb 09, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


November was Lung Cancer Awareness Month. 

Coincidentally, the same month I was made aware I had been living with the disease for some time. 

In searching for ‘alternative’ options to help deal with my symptoms and treat my dis-ease, I re-discovered a plant with which I had a relationship my whole life, Cannabis!

When we re-me...

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