By Jay Jay O’Brien C.H. ACCE Certified Cannabis Health Coach & Educator
The Feminine Flow
From menstruation to menopause, women spend their lives managing hormonal fluctuations, enduring pain, battling inflammation, and adapting to the physical and emotional toll that comes with each stage.
From cramps and migraines to mood swings and hot flashes, Mother Nature has offered women a lifetime ...
Submitted by Otha S. from Annapolis, Maryland
I am 43 years old, from Annapolis, Maryland. I was suffering from a head injury, anxiety, and back pain for 16 years.
In 2006, I was involved in a serious car accident that nearly took my life
I fell asleep at the wheel and was ejected from the car, landing on my head and upper back. I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result and was l...
 Submitted by Candy D. from Ontario, Canada
I am 38 years old. I am a musician, a content creator, a wife, and a mother.
I am from Ontario, Canada, and have been dealing with pain, grief, the MS hug, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, and migraines for many years.
I felt debilitated and not present in my life
I was struggling with chronic pain, deep grieving, inability to focus, and MS symp...
Submitted by Tasha J. from Phoenix, Arizona
41 now, was 39 at the time. I live in Phoenix, AZ, using Cannabis for pain, sleep, anxiety, and rebalancing my ECS for four years.
The challenges I was facing
The inability to eat and drink due to nausea and inflammation caused me to feel anxiety and depression due to my worsening condition from having Long Covid.
There was nothing that could h...
Host: Debi Wimberley - Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter with Guest Terese Bowors Certified Cannabis Coach
In this interview, Terese discusses her experience managing autoimmune disorders for over 15 years, highlighting the unique challenges faced by both herself and her family members who also have autoimmune conditions. She offers valuable insights into the complexities of caregiv...
Submitted by Terese B. from Nelson, BC, Canada
I am 50 years old from Nelson, BC Canada. I took my first puff of Cannabis at age 36.
I have been living with chronic illnesses, including Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities for the past 15 years.
I felt like I was hardly keeping it all together
I struggled daily with symptoms like insomnia, fatigue, f...
Submitted by John C from Missouri
I am 28 from Missouri suffered from ADHD most of my life. I have other health issues, including depression, trouble sleeping, and chronic pain. My stomach was in constant pain and discomfort from the ibuprofen and gut imbalances. I had to be strict about taking my daily probiotic. Otherwise, I would suffer.
I also suffered from severe migraines several times ...
Submitted by Tricia Mills from Oahu, Hawaii
I am 67 years old. I live on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. On March 6, 1990, I checked myself into a women’s treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been dealing with migraines ever since.
Pain, arthritis, and migraines
Having used cannabis since 2010, the symptoms of piercing pain on one side or the other and the...
Submitted by Empress J. Living in the Kingdom of Hawaii
I am 67 years young. I am from Ayiti and live in the Kingdom of Hawaii
Cannabis is a part of my regimen of plant medicine
I have been using cannabis to deal with my mental, physical, and spiritual health throughout my adult life. I have struggled with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and migraines. These ailments require prescribed me...
Submitted by William B. from South Philadelphia, PA
I'm 45 years old. Born in Atlantic City, NJ, and raised in South Philadelphia, PA. I've been dealing with chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD my whole life. I am also a recovering addict.
The challenges I face on the daily are
Pain and PTSD. As a result, any number of things can happen...procrastination, hypervigilance, detachment, avoidan...
By Taameir Drew, M.Ed
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator
“I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve spent the past 10 years in excruciating pain. I feel like I'm missing out on my life.”
While these may seem like dramatic lines but all of it was true. These were my exact words to my friend Kevin after I’d missed the wedding of a mutual friend. I felt like I’d exhausted every possibility, every sugg...
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