
Cannabis Helps with Anxiety and PTSD and Allows Me to Be My Authentic Self anxiety cbd cbda cbg cbga mindfulness ptsd stigma testimonial thc May 04, 2023

Submitted by Kyona from Southern California


I turn 50 this month. I have been dealing with anxiety and PTSD for over a decade.


I was dealing with PTSD from a few incidents

The last being a victim of an armed robbery at a dispensary 16 years ago. That violation was massively triggering and caused me to feel anxious around crowds and loud noises.


I have explored plant medicine for decad...

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My Multi-Cannabinoid "Bliss" Cookies Helped Keep Me Stable When I Quit Antidepressants for Good beta-caryophyllene candida cbd cbg depression mindfulness myrcene testimonial thc yoga May 04, 2023

Submitted by Michelle D. from Ontario, Canada


I am 47 years old and have been dealing with depression for over 20 years.


The constant negative thoughts…

It kept me stuck in my self-doubt and continued self-sabotage. I felt like a failure and worthless. The continued depression caused gut issues, including Candida and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). These issues further cause...

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Elevated Intuition: How Going With My Gut Helped Me Heal cancer mindfulness pain rso stigma Apr 07, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Always Trust Your Gut

When the oncologist told me I had 6 months to a year to live, something inside me refused to accept that as my fate. The news was disastrous, but I refused to believe it. I downright defied it, because I knew in my gut that I had created this dis-ease in my body, and because of that, I knew I could heal it....

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Cannabis & Yoga: The Perfect Pairing For Chronic Pain Relief mindfulness pain temporomandibular disorder (tmd) yoga Jan 06, 2023


By Marissa Fratoni, Holistic RN Specializing in Cannabinoid Therapeutics & Maternal Health

Originally published on Marissa's blog Holistic Nurse Mama on 9/22/17


For well over a decade, I have struggled with Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD.) My jaw locks, pops, swings, hangs out in a misaligned state. The result is an ever-present headache, an achy face, and constant tension in my neck a...

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Your Toolkit for Chronic Pain cbda cbg consumption methods mindfulness pain Jan 05, 2023

By Whitney Deatherage Cannabis Coach and Educator


I could say my story of chronic pain began at the beginning of 2014, but I’ve learned to go back and look for clues from earlier in life. Multiple childhood sports injuries, frequent recurring illnesses, falling all the time, and a near-fatal car accident in my early twenties - to me, these were unconnected incidents. It wasn’t until a mysterio...

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