
Cancer & The Green appetite cancer mrs. green nausea pain Jun 06, 2023

By Joyce McNeely aka "Mrs. Green" - Cannabis Educator


Hello and welcome to Mrs. Green’s Q&A. I take Cannabis questions from curious folks like you and answer them. Starting out on my own Cannabis journey, I had a lot of questions. I hope that answering some of your most burning questions here will help you along your journey as well. Come along! Let’s get started!


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My Cancer Manifesto: Waging a New War advocacy cancer cbd depression endocannabinoid system (ecs) feco thc Jun 06, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Winning The Battle! Losing The War

I’ve lost people to cancer. 50+ years after a ‘war on cancer’ was declared by American President Richard Nixon, turns out we’ve all lost people and the war.

The statistics are staggering. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with at least one cancer in...

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Cannabis Complimented My Healing Journey Through Breast Cancer cancer cbd neuropathy pain ptsd stigma testimonial thc topicals Jun 06, 2023

Submitted by Stephie M. from Southern Ontario, Canada


I am 48 years old. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I have been treating the side effects of cancer treatment as well as the AFTER effects of cancer treatment with cannabis. 


I have been consuming Cannabis medicine for the past six years

Over the last two years, I have pivoted my canna-clinical protocol and I am...

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Therapeutic Effects of Cannabis Helped Me Gain The Confidence I Needed To Take Control of My Health and Wellness anxiety cancer cbd limonene linalool pain sleep stigma testimonial thc vaporization Jun 06, 2023

Submitted by Stacy B. from Ontario, Canada


I am 39 years old from Ontario, Canada. I have been dealing with many symptoms and side effects from breast cancer treatment for almost eight years.

Educating myself about the therapeutic effects of Cannabis helped me gain the confidence I needed to take control of my health and wellness and to empower others to make informed decisions about...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues cancer cannabinoid receptors cannabis oil cbd podcast suppository thc Jun 06, 2023

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in February 2022.


In this episode, Corrie and Ian discuss some of the common questions that are asked by people wanting information about using cannabis for a health issue. Corrie also talks about the death sentence she was...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis advocacy anxiety cancer pain podcast Jun 06, 2023
Hosted by:
Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor
Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor


Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 4/28/2021


In this episode, Steph and Stacy talk about how they met at a retreat by ReThink Breast Cancer, an organization...

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You’ve Got Cancer! advocacy appetite cancer caregiver cbd pain thc Jun 06, 2023

By John Malanca Cannabis Advocate and Educator


When hearing these 3 words, your world immediately stops. Life as you know it comes to a screeching halt.

Then the questions start flowing. In most cases, many ask how did this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? Are you sure? What can we do?


Here Is How We Addressed Cannabis And Cancer

My wife Corinne and I started our...

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Dr. Thomas Henke, D.O. Discusses Cannabis in Neuro-Oncology: Anti-Angiogenic Effects and Cancer Treatment Potential cancer cb1 cb2 video Jun 06, 2023



Dr. Thomas Henke, D.O. Discusses: Research on Cannabinoids & Cancer Treatments

This is a video meant to speak to doctors and it includes captions that help the layperson understand. We’ll be reviewing the evidence-based medical research on cannabinoids (cannabis) as a potential therapy of choice in modern neuro-oncology (brain cancer treatment), their effects on tumor...

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Cannabis and Caregivers advocacy anxiety cancer self-care sleep stress Jun 06, 2023

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Caregivers of cancer patients play a crucial role in providing mental and physical support throughout the cancer journey. While some cancer patients may choose to use cannabis as a part of their cancer treatment plan, caregivers may also want to consider using cannabis as a part of their own self-care routine.

The American Cancer...

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Elevated Intuition: How Going With My Gut Helped Me Heal cancer mindfulness pain rso stigma Apr 07, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Always Trust Your Gut

When the oncologist told me I had 6 months to a year to live, something inside me refused to accept that as my fate. The news was disastrous, but I refused to believe it. I downright defied it, because I knew in my gut that I had created this dis-ease in my body, and because of that, I knew I could...

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Dr. Thomas Henke, D.O. Discusses: Research on Cannabinoids & Cancer Treatments brain cancer video Mar 11, 2023



This is a video meant to speak to doctors and it includes captions that help the layperson understand.

We’ll be reviewing the evidence-based medical research on cannabinoids as a potential therapy of choice in modern neuro-oncology, their effects on tumor cells, the synergistic role they play in chemotherapy treatments, as well as their neuroprotective properties. We will...

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Carrying Hope: A Message for Those Fighting Brain and Aggressive Cancers advocacy anxiety cancer cbc depression stigma thc Mar 11, 2023

By Jay Jay O’Brien - Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator


My spouse lost a friend to a Glioblastoma multiforme about 2 years ago. Glioblastoma multiforme is one of the most common, aggressive, and deadly forms of brain cancer. 

They were committed to the treatment and to the prognosis offered by their doctors. 6-18 months was what was offered. At that point, all other...

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