
Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Patient-Centered Care (Stigma, Cancer, and Cannabis)
Patient-Centered Care (Stigma, Cancer, and Cannabis) advocacy cancer stigma Nov 29, 2023


Hosted by:
Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor
Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor


Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 4/20/2021


Does stigma stem from a lack of knowledge? In this episode, Stacy and Steph talk about stigma in the healthcare system. St...

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The Stigma of A Stigma-Free Baby advocacy cancer stigma Nov 29, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Have You Ever Met A Unicorn?

I’m a unicorn. In the Cannabis world, you won’t meet many people like me. I’m a stigma-free baby.

What exactly does that mean? That means I grew up in a world where Cannabis was normalized and accepted. It means I grew up around people who regularly utilized and enjoyed Cannabis and made a point of...

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From Pain to Promise: Cancer, Pain, and Cannabis cancer cannabinoid receptors feco pain Aug 09, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Pain was the number one symptom I had before being given a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. The cancer had long since metastasized to the bones which is what made it really hard for doctors to pinpoint what was going on. I had pain in my chest, my lower back, my legs, and my hips. Each time I went to the doctor, the pain was in a d...

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Navigating Medical Cannabis For Seniors anxiety appetite cancer cbd depression pain seniors sleep thc Jul 06, 2023

By: Terese Bowros Cannabis Wellness Coach, Educator, and Public Speaker  


Seniors over 65 years of age are one of the fastest-growing segments of Cannabis consumers in Canada and the United States. In Canada, Cannabis use among seniors has grown tenfold between 2012 and 2019 and twofold between 2015 and 2018 in the United States.

Studies  show seniors are reaching to Cannabis for relief and s...

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Booming Epidemic: Cancer Risks and Cannabis Solutions for Seniors appetite cancer nausea Jul 06, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the average age of individuals diagnosed with cancer is 66 years old. That means that about half of all cancer cases diagnosed are in people 66 years of age or older, and the risk continues to increase with age. (1) (2)

There is already a great risk. The statistics state that 1 i...

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CBD and Medical Cannabis: Restored My Life from Chiari Malformation, Chronic Inflammation, and Other Conditions arnold chiari arthritis asthma cancer cbd cbg cbn seniors stigma thc Jul 06, 2023

Submitted by Leah W. from traveling the United States


I am 65 years old, born in Panama, lived in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona cumulative 50 years, currently traveling the United States looking for my forever retirement home.


I went through nine years of lack of deep rem sleep with chronic and crippling pain

Dealing with complications of Arnold Chiari 1, severe osteoarthritis, osteoporo...

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Cancer & The Green appetite cancer mrs. green nausea pain Jun 06, 2023

By Joyce McNeely aka "Mrs. Green" - Cannabis Educator


Hello and welcome to Mrs. Green’s Q&A. I take Cannabis questions from curious folks like you and answer them. Starting out on my own Cannabis journey, I had a lot of questions. I hope that answering some of your most burning questions here will help you along your journey as well. Come along! Let’s get started!

A couple of questions came i...

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My Cancer Manifesto: Waging a New War advocacy cancer cbd depression endocannabinoid system (ecs) feco thc Jun 06, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Winning The Battle! Losing The War

I’ve lost people to cancer. 50+ years after a ‘war on cancer’ was declared by American President Richard Nixon, turns out we’ve all lost people and the war.

The statistics are staggering. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with at least one cancer in their lifetime according to this...

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Cannabis Complimented My Healing Journey Through Breast Cancer cancer cbd neuropathy pain ptsd stigma testimonial thc topicals Jun 06, 2023

Submitted by Stephie M. from Southern Ontario, Canada


I am 48 years old. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I have been treating the side effects of cancer treatment as well as the AFTER effects of cancer treatment with cannabis. 


I have been consuming Cannabis medicine for the past six years

Over the last two years, I have pivoted my canna-clinical protocol and I am actively preventing ...

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Therapeutic Effects of Cannabis Helped Me Gain The Confidence I Needed To Take Control of My Health and Wellness anxiety cancer cbd limonene linalool pain sleep stigma testimonial thc vaporization Jun 06, 2023

Submitted by Stacy B. from Ontario, Canada


I am 39 years old from Ontario, Canada. I have been dealing with many symptoms and side effects from breast cancer treatment for almost eight years.

Educating myself about the therapeutic effects of Cannabis helped me gain the confidence I needed to take control of my health and wellness and to empower others to make informed decisions about Cannabis...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues cancer cannabinoid receptors cannabis oil cbd podcast suppository thc Jun 06, 2023

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in February 2022.


In this episode, Corrie and Ian discuss some of the common questions that are asked by people wanting information about using cannabis for a health issue. Corrie also talks about the death sentence she was given mo...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis advocacy anxiety cancer pain podcast Jun 06, 2023
Hosted by:
Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor
Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor


Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 4/28/2021


In this episode, Steph and Stacy talk about how they met at a retreat by ReThink Breast Cancer, an organization that supports...

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