
Dispelling Myths: Why CBD Alone Isn't the Whole Picture for Wellness advocacy alpha-pinene anxiety cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg depression inflamation limonene linalool neuroprotective pain seniors stigma terpenes thc thca Nov 29, 2023

By John Malanca Cannabis Advocate and Educator


There is a stubborn stigma surrounding Cannabis and it no longer is simply that Cannabis has no merit or is an entrance drug, but that the non-intoxicating cannabinoid, CBD, is ALL you need for health, wellness, and other ailments which is not totally true.

While CBD is a wonderful, major cannabinoid and something I take daily, other...

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Cannabis Improved My Overall Wellness in My Journey From Suicidal Ideation to Actively Participating in Life's Challenges anxiety cbd depression pain testimonial thc Sep 07, 2023

Submitted by Bryan C. from Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada

THC, CBD and all related cannabinoids have greatly improved my overall wellness. I currently suffer severe anxiety from clinical depression as well as a herniated disk in my lower spine which will be surgically addressed soon.


It is wonderful to be alive

Cannabis improved my overall wellness in my journey from suicidal ideation to...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Relief From Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction
Relief From Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction depression opioid cessation pain rso suicide Sep 04, 2023

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in April 2022.


In this episode, Over the course of his life, Sam Smith from Illinois has had 14 back surgeries—the first occurring when he was in high school. Subsequent work-related back issues resulted in a series...

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From Anxiety to Multiple Sclerosis Cannabis Reshaped My Life! anxiety bipolar depression multiple sclerosis (ms) ptsd seizures suicide Sep 04, 2023

Submitted by Mandy K. from Pennsylvania

I'm 37 years old. I'm From Pennsylvania. I've been dealing with PTSD, anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, bipolar, and multiple sclerosis.


The things I was dealing with when I started Cannabis were all mental issues

Depression that was so unreal I'd stay in bed for days at a time. I was anxious and could never relax; always felt as if...

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Cannabinoids Helped My Terrible Insomnia Associated with Menopause and Improved My Depression and Anxiety. anxiety depression insomnia menapause pms sleep stigma Jul 07, 2023

Submitted by Shoshana C. from Southern Illinois


67 is the new 47! I am Shoshana from Southern Illinois (350 miles south of Chicago in the Shawnee Hills). 


I went into peri-menopause at 36

And struggled for years with PMS and terrible mood swings, food cravings, and the dreaded hot flashes. I was on several types of antidepressants which were no help at all and made me...

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Navigating Medical Cannabis For Seniors anxiety appetite cancer cbd depression pain seniors sleep thc Jul 06, 2023

By: Terese Bowros Cannabis Wellness Coach, Educator, and Public Speaker  


Seniors over 65 years of age are one of the fastest-growing segments of Cannabis consumers in Canada and the United States. In Canada, Cannabis use among seniors has grown tenfold between 2012 and 2019 and twofold between 2015 and 2018 in the United States.

Studies  show seniors are reaching to...

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Cannabis Consumption and Activism in My Vintage Years anxiety depression migraines pain stigma testimonial Jul 06, 2023

Submitted by Empress J. Living in the Kingdom of Hawaii

I am 67 years young. I am from Ayiti and live in the Kingdom of Hawaii


Cannabis is a part of my regimen of plant medicine

I have been using cannabis to deal with my mental, physical, and spiritual health throughout my adult life. I have struggled with anxiety, chronic pain, depression, and migraines. These ailments require...

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My Cancer Manifesto: Waging a New War advocacy cancer cbd depression endocannabinoid system (ecs) feco thc Jun 06, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


Winning The Battle! Losing The War

I’ve lost people to cancer. 50+ years after a ‘war on cancer’ was declared by American President Richard Nixon, turns out we’ve all lost people and the war.

The statistics are staggering. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with at least one cancer in...

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Cannabis Helped My Complex PTSD, and I Found Joy and Connection That I Thought Wasn't Available to Me anxiety depression ptsd sleep stigma testimonial May 06, 2023

Submitted by Amy M. from Houston, TX


I am 46 years old. I am from Houston, TX, and a patient in the Texas Compassionate Use Program (our medical program).

I have been dealing with the symptoms of CPTSD since around the age of 7 or 8. They increased over the years, and I was diagnosed as Bipolar at 27.


Depression, Anxiety, Flashbacks, and More…

Most of my life I was severely...

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My Multi-Cannabinoid "Bliss" Cookies Helped Keep Me Stable When I Quit Antidepressants for Good beta-caryophyllene candida cbd cbg depression mindfulness myrcene testimonial thc yoga May 04, 2023

Submitted by Michelle D. from Ontario, Canada


I am 47 years old and have been dealing with depression for over 20 years.


The constant negative thoughts…

It kept me stuck in my self-doubt and continued self-sabotage. I felt like a failure and worthless. The continued depression caused gut issues, including Candida and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). These...

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How to Start a Cannabis Conversation with Your Doctor and Engage with a Cannabis Health Coach advocacy anxiety depression ecs stigma May 04, 2023


By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach

If you are exploring the possibility of switching from medication to cannabis to help with depression and anxiety, it’s important to have an open discussion with your doctor. 


Preparing for the Conversation with Your Doctor

Before the visit, take some time to note your reasons for seeking an alternative treatment such as...

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How Can CBD Oil Change Mental Health Treatment? anxiety cbd consumption methods depression harm reduction opioid cessation ptsd sleep May 04, 2023

This article was shared courtesy of United Patients Group


The medical benefits of cannabis have been known to humanity for a long time now. Using cannabis compounds for medicinal purposes becomes more and more popular as the laws and society awareness changes.

Because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, due to lockdowns and stress, many people started suffering from all kinds of mental...

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