
Menopause in the Shadows: The Missing Conversation for 1 Billion Women advocacy cannabinoids cannabis cbd cbda cbg cbga menopause pain perimenopause phytocannabinoids thc thca Mar 03, 2025


By Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life Coach and Hypnotist


In 2025, 1 Billion Women Worldwide Will Be Postmenopausal

Are you one of the 1.3 million women globally who will enter menopause this year? Have you considered incorporating Cannabis into your self-care for menopause?

I’m a summer-of-love child, born in 1967. Like many women around my age, I knew almost nothing about the changes that ...

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The Extra Mile: Cannabis for Clarity and Connection at End of Life cancer cbd cbda cbg cbga pain stress thc Feb 04, 2025


By Jay Jay O’Brien C.H. ACCE Certified Cannabis Health Coach & Educator


Extending the Journey: What if You Could Have One More Day?

When my mom passed in 2007, just seven days after receiving a cancer diagnosis that had promised her a year to live, she was gone long before her final breath.

The heavy doses of morphine—the standard in end-of-life care—(1) given to “keep her comfortable” ke...

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Cannabis Transformed My Life After a Cancer Diagnosis Twice! anxiety cancer cbd cbda cbg cbga pain stress thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Jay Jay O. from Cambridge, ON, Canada

I’m in my middle-essence, living in Cambridge, ON, Canada, and was diagnosed in 2019 with Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) with metastasis to my bones and lymph nodes.


I was offered no hope for healing by my doctors, merely a death sentence

The pain from the bone metastasis was excruciating. Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of bre...

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I Self-Identified as Anxious and Depressed advocacy anxiety cbd cbda cbg cbga covid depression ptsd stigma testimonial thc thca Jun 30, 2024

Submitted by Alex M. from Seattle, WA

Maybe my life sounds familiar. I’m over 50. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety and PTSD for most of my life. I also had the whammy of postpartum depression.

Of course, I self-identified as anxious and depressed. I was triggered by all sorts of external realities.

But all that changed in 2020.


With the interruption in normal life that Covid-19 broug...

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Breaking Stigma: How a Nurse Practitioner Found Relief with Cannabis for Pain and Anxiety advocacy anxiety cbd cbda cbga depression insomnia pain testimonial thc thca Apr 01, 2024


I am 41 years old. I am from Amelia, Virginia currently reside in Greensboro, NC. I have been dealing with chronic pain and anxiety for over ten years.


My anxiety was the culprit for my chronic pain

The challenges I was facing were anxiety, depression, and insomnia which caused me to feel depressed, hopeless, sad, miserable, and in pain. The pain would start at the base of my skull and rad...

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I Finally Found Relief from ADHD and Depression Through Cannabis adhd cbd cbda cbg cbga depression insomnia migraines pain testimonial thc thca tolerance break Feb 06, 2024

Submitted by John C from Missouri


I am 28 from Missouri suffered from ADHD most of my life. I have other health issues, including depression, trouble sleeping, and chronic pain. My stomach was in constant pain and discomfort from the ibuprofen and gut imbalances. I had to be strict about taking my daily probiotic. Otherwise, I would suffer.

I also suffered from severe migraines several times ...

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Shining A Light on ECN Advocacy advocacy cbd cbda cbg cbga thc thca Jan 04, 2024

By Jay Jay O'Brien Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator

As an ECN advocate and content contributor here at the Effective Cannabis Newsletter, I appreciate this space for its ability to inform and advocate and as an avenue to pass along what I feel are two essential messages to the world.

These transmissions came to me through crisis via a terminal cancer diagnosis that redirected my be...

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Medical Cannabis: Can It Be A Protective Approach to Acute Illnesses? cbd cbda cbg cbga ecn team endocannabinoid system (ecs) fibromyalgia ibs inflammation nausea pain pms thc thca Aug 09, 2023

By J’Ne Clapper Certified Medical Cannabis Wellness Advisor


Medical Cannabis is finally gaining some traction as a treatment option for many chronic illnesses, including (but definitely not limited to) inflammation/ pain (1), mental health disorders (2) (PTSD, C-PTSD, anxiety/ depression, etc.), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (3), Fibromyalgia (4), and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (5). Just in the ...

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My Experience with Cannabis as an Acute Treatment for Covid-19 Pandemic anxiety cannabinoids cbd cbda cbg cbga covid endocannabinoid system (ecs) thc thca Aug 08, 2023

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Cannabis can be used for so many health issues. It’s really an amazingly adaptive plant medicine. For me, that was so apparent during the pandemic. Not only was I using it to overcome anxiety and depression (1) but also for an acute need when I got Covid in early 2021.


Navigating Risks: Allowing Social Interaction for an Immuno-Comprom...

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Perimenopause, Menopause and Andropause: Cannabis as a Healthy Supplement cbd cbda cbg cbga dose layering ecs endocannabinoid system (ecs) menopause seniors thca Jul 07, 2023

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


One aspect of life that unites us all is the process of aging. Whether your biology is that of a female or a male, this beautiful journey can come with its own set of changes and adjustments. During this transformative time, some seek alternative approaches to support our well-being and health. Cannabis as a supplement has shown promise in...

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Cannabis Helped My Chronic Pain, Arthritis, and Migraines cbd cbda cbg cbga harm reduction insomnia intimacy migraines pain stigma testimonial Jul 06, 2023

Submitted by Tricia Mills from Oahu, Hawaii


I am 67 years old. I live on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. On March 6, 1990, I checked myself into a women’s treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been dealing with migraines ever since.


Pain, arthritis, and migraines

Having used cannabis since 2010, the symptoms of piercing pain on one side or the other and the...

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Cannabis Helps with Anxiety and PTSD and Allows Me to Be My Authentic Self anxiety cbd cbda cbg cbga mindfulness ptsd stigma testimonial thc May 04, 2023

Submitted by Kyona from Southern California


I turn 50 this month. I have been dealing with anxiety and PTSD for over a decade.


I was dealing with PTSD from a few incidents

The last being a victim of an armed robbery at a dispensary 16 years ago. That violation was massively triggering and caused me to feel anxious around crowds and loud noises.


I have explored plant medicine for decad...

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