
Self-Care and Intentional Cannabis Consumption consumption methods self-care sleep May 04, 2023

By Rachel Selah, Certified Cannabis Coach and Birth Worker


Let me begin by saying this: Cannabis consumption is self-care; whether you wake and bake, have a bedtime blunt, or consume cannabis throughout your day, you are practicing self-care.

The key is optimizing your cannabis use to meet your self-care needs. How do you enjoy your cannabis?

Here are some considerations for enriching...

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How Can CBD Oil Change Mental Health Treatment? anxiety cbd consumption methods depression harm reduction opioid cessation ptsd sleep May 04, 2023

This article was shared courtesy of United Patients Group


The medical benefits of cannabis have been known to humanity for a long time now. Using cannabis compounds for medicinal purposes becomes more and more popular as the laws and society awareness changes.

Because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, due to lockdowns and stress, many people started suffering from all kinds of mental...

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Seven Years of Studying and Using Cannabis For Chronic Pain: My Inside Story cbd chronic regional pain syndrome (crps) consumption methods endocannabinoid system (ecs) mac lung disease opioid cessation pain terpenes thc Jan 05, 2023

By Debi Wimberley Cannabis Educator and Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter


This is a tribute to all who live in chronic pain. You are important, and you matter. It is also a celebration of all who have learned how to manage their pain with Cannabis.

Today I am sharing for the first time what being medically forced off opioids taught me and gave me. This narrative is vital to...

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Your Toolkit for Chronic Pain cbda cbg consumption methods mindfulness pain Jan 05, 2023

By Whitney Deatherage Cannabis Coach and Educator


I could say my story of chronic pain began at the beginning of 2014, but I’ve learned to go back and look for clues from earlier in life. Multiple childhood sports injuries, frequent recurring illnesses, falling all the time, and a near-fatal car accident in my early twenties - to me, these were unconnected incidents. It...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
A Tincture of Time Podcast - Cannabis for Pain, Stress, Anxiety and more
A Tincture of Time Podcast - Cannabis for Pain, Stress, Anxiety and more anxiety consumption methods pain podcast stress Dec 27, 2022

Hosted by:

Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor

Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor

Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 10/31/21
64 minutes

This episode speaks about intentional Cannabis consumption. Consuming Cannabis for things like sleep, anxiety,...

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