
Insights From The iCount Veterans Cannabis Research Study advocacy anxiety arthritis cannabinoids chronic pain depression harm reduction insomnia muscle spasms opioids ptsd sleep Oct 30, 2024


Research Led By The Cannabis Center of Excellence 


Cannabis research studies led by the Cannabis Center of Excellence span from public health impact to education to reduce substance abuse and more. The CCOE is involved in educational programs for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and the public. These programs disseminate research findings and provide evidence-based information on Can...

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Breaking Stigma: How a Nurse Practitioner Found Relief with Cannabis for Pain and Anxiety advocacy anxiety cbd cbda cbga depression insomnia pain testimonial thc thca Apr 01, 2024


I am 41 years old. I am from Amelia, Virginia currently reside in Greensboro, NC. I have been dealing with chronic pain and anxiety for over ten years.


My anxiety was the culprit for my chronic pain

The challenges I was facing were anxiety, depression, and insomnia which caused me to feel depressed, hopeless, sad, miserable, and in pain. The pain would start at the base of my skull and rad...

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THC Gave Me A New Life anxiety blood pressure insomnia pain sleep testimonial thc vaporization Mar 30, 2024

I am Buz L. 72 years Young! Living in North Florida using Cannabis as my medicine for 6 years.


Conditions and symptoms I treat with Cannabis are wide-ranging

Stemming from a history of multiple back surgeries due to childhood accidents—breaking three vertebrae in my neck at age 6 and three more in my lower back at 21.

My journey has been intertwined with challenges including anxiety, persist...

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Cannabis Helped Me Emerge Out of My Housebound Existence anxiety cbd cbda inflammation insomnia lyme disease migraines pain testimonial thc thca Mar 05, 2024

Submitted by Terese B. from Nelson, BC, Canada


I am 50 years old from Nelson, BC Canada. I took my first puff of Cannabis at age 36.

I have been living with chronic illnesses, including Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities for the past 15 years.


I felt like I was hardly keeping it all together

I struggled daily with symptoms like insomnia, fatigue, f...

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CBD and THC Helped Me with Chronic Pain and Anxiety In Ways Other Treatments Could Not! cbd depression insomnia pain stigma stress testimonial thc tincture Feb 06, 2024

Submitted by Lamont T. from Richmond, Virginia


I am a 49-year-old retired Army combat veteran. I am from Richmond, Virginia and I have been dealing with chronic pain for over twenty years.

December 2004 while serving in Iraq, I was in a military vehicle accident involving a M984 HEMTT WRECKER in which the driver hit an embankment. Luckily, I was wearing my Kevlar and vest when I was thrown in...

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I Finally Found Relief from ADHD and Depression Through Cannabis adhd cbd cbda cbg cbga depression insomnia migraines pain testimonial thc thca tolerance break Feb 06, 2024

Submitted by John C from Missouri


I am 28 from Missouri suffered from ADHD most of my life. I have other health issues, including depression, trouble sleeping, and chronic pain. My stomach was in constant pain and discomfort from the ibuprofen and gut imbalances. I had to be strict about taking my daily probiotic. Otherwise, I would suffer.

I also suffered from severe migraines several times ...

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Cannabis, In All Its Glory, Has Helped Immensely with Easing My Nerve Pain Along with Insomnia and Greatly Improved My Quality of Life cbd cbn depression insomnia muscle spasms pain ptsd testimonial thc Jan 04, 2024

Submitted by Angel J. from Utah


I am 51 years old from Utah. I had been dealing with nerve pain from my herniated discs touching my sciatic nerve for 9 years.


The challenges I was facing were constant pain shooting down my left leg and muscle spasms

At any given time of the day, that would tense and freeze my muscles from my calf and shin down to my Achilles tendon and feet. That Caused m...

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Cannabinoids Helped My Terrible Insomnia Associated with Menopause and Improved My Depression and Anxiety. anxiety depression insomnia menopause pms sleep stigma Jul 07, 2023

Submitted by Shoshana C. from Southern Illinois


67 is the new 47! I am Shoshana from Southern Illinois (350 miles south of Chicago in the Shawnee Hills). 


I went into peri-menopause at 36

And struggled for years with PMS and terrible mood swings, food cravings, and the dreaded hot flashes. I was on several types of antidepressants which were no help at all and made me feel worse. I took s...

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Cannabis Helped My Chronic Pain, Arthritis, and Migraines cbd cbda cbg cbga harm reduction insomnia intimacy migraines pain stigma testimonial Jul 06, 2023

Submitted by Tricia Mills from Oahu, Hawaii


I am 67 years old. I live on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii. On March 6, 1990, I checked myself into a women’s treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been dealing with migraines ever since.


Pain, arthritis, and migraines

Having used cannabis since 2010, the symptoms of piercing pain on one side or the other and the...

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