
Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues
Frequently Asked Questions About Using Cannabis for Health Issues cancer cannabinoid receptors cannabis oil cbd podcast suppository thc Jun 06, 2023

Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in February 2022.


In this episode, Corrie and Ian discuss some of the common questions that are asked by people wanting information about using cannabis for a health issue. Corrie also talks about the death sentence she was...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis
Nurturing Resilience: Two Breast Cancer Survivors Embracing Healing with Cannabis advocacy anxiety cancer pain podcast Jun 06, 2023
Hosted by:
Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor
Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor


Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 4/28/2021


In this episode, Steph and Stacy talk about how they met at a retreat by ReThink Breast Cancer, an organization...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Cannabis: A Life-Changing Solution for Misdiagnosed Crohn's Disease Sufferer
Cannabis: A Life-Changing Solution for Misdiagnosed Crohn's Disease Sufferer anxiety candida crohn's depression h. pylori podcast suppository Apr 06, 2023


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland

Shared with the generous permission of Cannabis Health Radio. This episode originally aired in March of 2021.


At the age of 17 Nikki Jackson of British Columbia, Canada, began developing extreme digestive issues and back pain. By the time she turned 20, she, was on 15 different pharmaceuticals for digestive...

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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years cancer lungs podcast Feb 10, 2023


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland


When David Price of New Brunswick, Canada was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 years ago, he refused chemo and radiation and began taking cannabis paste. In only 10 weeks, his lung cancer was gone and he has been cancer free ever since. Ian and Corrie first interviewed David 6 years ago, and in this interview, he...

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A Clubhouse Discussion with Fibromyalgia Warriors & Cannabis Educators fibromyalgia nutrition pain podcast Jan 06, 2023


By Tiffany Gotcher - Certified Cannabis and Integrative Health and Nutrition Coach


 ***Note, if you don't currently have the Clubhouse App, you may be prompted to download it before you can listen to the recording. 

  ***The talk begins about 7 minutes in. You can fast forward to that point for the start of the episode.


Tiffany Gotcher will also be...
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Effective Cannabis Newsletter
A Tincture of Time Podcast - Cannabis for Pain, Stress, Anxiety and more
A Tincture of Time Podcast - Cannabis for Pain, Stress, Anxiety and more anxiety consumption methods pain podcast stress Dec 27, 2022

Hosted by:

Steph Massey- Cannabis Educator and Patient Care Coach, Breast Cancer Survivor

Stacy Bobak - Cannabis College Professor, Cannabis Education for Dental Professionals, Breast Cancer Survivor

Originally released on the Tincture in Time Podcast on 10/31/21
64 minutes

This episode speaks about intentional Cannabis consumption. Consuming Cannabis for things like sleep, anxiety,...

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