
Cannabis and Caregivers advocacy anxiety cancer self-care sleep stress Jun 06, 2023

By: Alex Mitchell, Integrative Life and Cannabis Coach


Caregivers of cancer patients play a crucial role in providing mental and physical support throughout the cancer journey. While some cancer patients may choose to use cannabis as a part of their cancer treatment plan, caregivers may also want to consider using cannabis as a part of their own self-care routine.

The American Cancer...

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Cannabis Helped My Complex PTSD, and I Found Joy and Connection That I Thought Wasn't Available to Me anxiety depression ptsd sleep stigma testimonial May 06, 2023

Submitted by Amy M. from Houston, TX


I am 46 years old. I am from Houston, TX, and a patient in the Texas Compassionate Use Program (our medical program).

I have been dealing with the symptoms of CPTSD since around the age of 7 or 8. They increased over the years, and I was diagnosed as Bipolar at 27.


Depression, Anxiety, Flashbacks, and More…

Most of my life I was severely...

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Self-Care and Intentional Cannabis Consumption consumption methods self-care sleep May 04, 2023

By Rachel Selah, Certified Cannabis Coach and Birth Worker


Let me begin by saying this: Cannabis consumption is self-care; whether you wake and bake, have a bedtime blunt, or consume cannabis throughout your day, you are practicing self-care.

The key is optimizing your cannabis use to meet your self-care needs. How do you enjoy your cannabis?

Here are some considerations for enriching...

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How Can CBD Oil Change Mental Health Treatment? anxiety cbd consumption methods depression harm reduction opioid cessation ptsd sleep May 04, 2023

This article was shared courtesy of United Patients Group


The medical benefits of cannabis have been known to humanity for a long time now. Using cannabis compounds for medicinal purposes becomes more and more popular as the laws and society awareness changes.

Because of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, due to lockdowns and stress, many people started suffering from all kinds of mental...

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A Journey Through Bipolar & Complex PTSD Diagnosis and How Cannabis Provides Support anxiety cbd depression ptsd sleep thc May 04, 2023


Hosted by Candy Dinsmore-Bekaan
Theme music by Matthew DeMeritt



*Trigger warning: This episode talks about suicide attempt*


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Candy Dinsmore-Bekaan interviews Co-Founder of the Effective Cannabis Newsletter, Amy Matthews as she talks about her journey with Complex PTSD, regulating her nervous system and...

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Cannabis Helped My MS symptoms, My Grief and My Joyful State of Mind! anxiety cbd grief multiple sclerosis (ms) pain sleep testimonial thc Apr 13, 2023

Submitted by Candy B. from Ontario, Canada 


I am 38 years old. I am a musician, a content creator, a wife, and a mother.

I am from Ontario, Canada, and have been dealing with pain, grief, the MS hug, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, and migraines for many years.


I felt debilitated and not present in my life

I was struggling with chronic pain, deep grieving, inability...

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Angie Lickliter Tamed "Gut Monster" Crohn's Disease with CBD alcohol cessation anxiety autoimmune disease cbd cbg crohn's depression ibd inflammation opioid cessation pain sleep video Apr 06, 2023

Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Angie Lickliter  



In this video, Angie Lickliter shares her experience of success through CBD after struggling with Crohn's Disease for 25 years, which she affectionately calls her "Gut Monster". During her conversation with Michelle, Angie explains the workings of CBD in the body and emphasizes the...

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THC May Help To Reduce Damage In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) appetite cb1 cb2 crohn's depression ecs ibd inflammation nausea pain sleep thc Apr 06, 2023

By Arielle Gerard, MD, MS, MPH


What Is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)  is a condition in which areas of your gastrointestinal (GI) system become chronically inflamed. Ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn’s disease (CD), collagenous colitis, and lymphocytic colitis are types of IBD, with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease being...

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The Endocannabinoid System: Essential and Mysterious by Dr. Peter Grinspoon appetite ecs inflammation memory pain ptsd sleep Dec 28, 2022

This article is shared with the permission of Dr. Peter Grinspoon. This article originally appeared on the Harvard Medical School Blog on August 11, 2021.


Many of us have heard of some of the transmitter systems within our bodies, such as the sympathetic nervous system, which gives us our fight-or-flight response. Fewer have heard of the more recently discovered endocannabinoid system...

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