Submitted by Stephie M. from Southern Ontario, Canada
I am 48 years old. I live in Southern Ontario, Canada. I have been treating the side effects of cancer treatment as well as the AFTER effects of cancer treatment with cannabis.
I have been consuming Cannabis medicine for the past six years
Over the last two years, I have pivoted my canna-clinical protocol and I am...
Submitted by Stacy B. from Ontario, Canada
I am 39 years old from Ontario, Canada. I have been dealing with many symptoms and side effects from breast cancer treatment for almost eight years.
Educating myself about the therapeutic effects of Cannabis helped me gain the confidence I needed to take control of my health and wellness and to empower others to make informed decisions about...
Submitted by Amy M. from Houston, TX
I am 46 years old. I am from Houston, TX, and a patient in the Texas Compassionate Use Program (our medical program).
I have been dealing with the symptoms of CPTSD since around the age of 7 or 8. They increased over the years, and I was diagnosed as Bipolar at 27.
Depression, Anxiety, Flashbacks, and More…
Most of my life I was severely...
Submitted by Kyona from Southern California
I turn 50 this month. I have been dealing with anxiety and PTSD for over a decade.
I was dealing with PTSD from a few incidents
The last being a victim of an armed robbery at a dispensary 16 years ago. That violation was massively triggering and caused me to feel anxious around crowds and loud noises.
I have explored plant...
Submitted by William B. from South Philadelphia, PA
I'm 45 years old. Born in Atlantic City, NJ, and raised in South Philadelphia, PA. I've been dealing with chronic pain, migraines, and PTSD my whole life. I am also a recovering addict.
The challenges I face on the daily are
Pain and PTSD. As a result, any number of things can happen...procrastination, hypervigilance, detachment,...
Submitted by Joyce M. from Texas
Cannabis helped my PTSD and helped relieve some of my anxiety. In addition to that biggie, it also helped with my arthritis pain and racing thoughts (what I call my monkey mind) and relieved some minor skin issues.
I am 54 years old. I am from Texas. I am a leukemia survivor. I have been working on learning about Cannabis and its benefits for a while now....
Submitted by Michelle D. from Ontario, Canada
I am 47 years old and have been dealing with depression for over 20 years.
The constant negative thoughts…
It kept me stuck in my self-doubt and continued self-sabotage. I felt like a failure and worthless. The continued depression caused gut issues, including Candida and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). These...
Submitted by J’Né C. from Missouri
I am 38 years old, and I am from Springfield, Missouri.
I never wanted to be treated with pharmaceuticals
This desire led to unhealthy coping skills, and at different points in my life, using illicit drugs and alcohol to mask the symptoms.
Love at first night
About two years ago, I became acquainted with...
Submitted by Debi W. from Arizona
Here it is, 2023. At 65 years old, living in Arizona. I have been living with Asthma, Thalassemia Minor all my life, Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia, for over three decades, CRPS, and COPD, for 28 years, and Mac Lung Disease for seven years. I am happy to report that since I started utilizing cannabinoid therapies in 2016, I have not accumulated any new...
Submitted by Candy B. from Ontario, Canada
I am 38 years old. I am a musician, a content creator, a wife, and a mother.
I am from Ontario, Canada, and have been dealing with pain, grief, the MS hug, anxiety, depression, PTSD, stress, and migraines for many years.
I felt debilitated and not present in my life
I was struggling with chronic pain, deep grieving, inability...
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