
Effective Cannabis Newsletter
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years
Cannabis Health Radio Podcast: Episode 358: Free Of Lung Cancer For 6 Years cancer lungs podcast Feb 10, 2023


Cannabis Health Radio Podcast Hosted by: Ian Jessop and Corrie Yelland


When David Price of New Brunswick, Canada was diagnosed with lung cancer 6 years ago, he refused chemo and radiation and began taking cannabis paste. In only 10 weeks, his lung cancer was gone and he has been cancer free ever since. Ian and Corrie first interviewed David 6 years ago, and in this interview, he...

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A Story About Hope, Discovery, Cannabis and Stage Four Lung Cancer alcohol cessation cancer cigarette cessation feco pain rso video Feb 10, 2023


Hosted by Michelle Diston - Certified Cannabis Coach with Guest Jay Jay O'Brien



There are countless inspiring stories out there of individuals overcoming illness and achieving better health. Michelle introduces us to Jay Jay O'Brien, a cancer patient, and Cannabis Coaching colleague, who was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer) but managed to...

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Dry Herb Vaporization for Healthy Lungs - Clearing the Air cancer cigarette cessation copd lungs vaporization Feb 09, 2023

By Jay Jay O'Brien
Certified Cannabis Wellness Coach and Educator


November was Lung Cancer Awareness Month. 

Coincidentally, the same month I was made aware I had been living with the disease for some time. 

In searching for ‘alternative’ options to help deal with my symptoms and treat my dis-ease, I re-discovered a plant with which I had a relationship my whole...

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Cannabis for Seniors - What You Need to Know anxiety appetite cancer neurodegenerative disease pain seniors video Dec 22, 2022

By Andrea Meharg of Reveal Cannabis, Certified Cannabis Coach and Educator


Cannabis can be so helpful for many of the conditions that seniors suffer from: Arthritis, Neurodegenerative diseases, Pain, Depression, Cancer and the side effects of chemo/radiation, Insomnia, Low appetite, Glaucoma, Anxiety, fear, depression, Brittle bones and more. In this video, we'll discuss

  • How to...
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